moving in

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I packed all my stuff and so did severus.
We won't be going with the train but trough a transportation spell.
First all your bags and then you.

I Arrive in MY new living room.
"Wow" you take a second to take a all in
"I'm in heaven " i said looking at all the books
"Your house is an actual library " you say out laughing
"Our house" severus said
Our house. It made me smile.

The house smelled like coffee, books and freshly pressed news papers.
Ow and burned wood as i stand next to the fire place.
I roam the house and take up everything.

The kitchen has a big collection of different thea's and coffees.
" wanne go see your room?" Severus asked
I just smile at him, its all he needed to know.
He stands for a door and suggested me to go in. I slowly open the door and was amazed by how good it looks

 I slowly open the door and was amazed by how good it looks

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*dark academia vibes*

I turn back at severus and look him deeply in the eyes as mine fill with tears

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I turn back at severus and look him deeply in the eyes as mine fill with tears. Mouth still open from the shock. I jump up in his arms, severus was surprised for a sec. Ad then he embraced me aswell.

"Thank" I say very appreciative

When i backed away from the hug i could see the emotion are getting to him so he said "I'll let you pack out your stuff and settle in"

And so i did. I dint have much to unpack. I put a picture of fred and me next to my bed, this was his little present for me. So cute.

I unpack my clothes. And throw some in the laundry basket.
I let my self fall on the bed and just aahh. I'm so happy, and grateful. I never felt this before.
I have an amazing dad right now, I safe home to live in. Such a lovely boyfriend and the kindest friends. And for once i am at peace with my own mind.

After unpacking I walk down stairs to find severus...I mean my dad. Reading behind his desk with a few papers layed out infront of him.
"What's that?" I as
He smiles at me and says
"Your adoption papers" i smile also grew on my face. My cheeks really are going to hurt from all this smiling.
"I need you to sign it. Give consent that I am now your legal guardian and that your name will be y/n snape"

I slide the papers over grab one of the pens and immediately sign it.
"Hi nice to meet you I'm y/n snape" I jump up and down
"I love it so much, im a snape now!"
I say out laughing.

"O I got to write that to my friends!" I run up stairs grab a piece of paper nd some ink and start to write

Hello my dear friends

It's me y/n snape. Doesn't it sound so good!! The place is amazing severus, is my dad! And he made my room so nice.

I went on to describe my room and the smell of the house . I fill in the address of the weasly's. Knowing that hermoine and harry are staying there. Until Christmas, bc then they will be staying at the secret house where the meeting of the order take place.

"O right severus!" I say walking back down stairs
Severus looks up to me
"I kinda got invited to join the order with you. I know you think it might be dangerous but I'm already a death eater and I can be another inside man as you. And I'll be safe I promise!"
Severus just looks at me and says
"Your a strong independent women, with much more power than anyone I know execpt the dark Lord himself.
And I will be at the meetings too so. You can be to. But I need to know if you and your friends are going to try and do something, promise?"

"I promise "
"We have a meeting the day before Christmas too."

"You ready to go?"
"What where?" I ask
"Well your going to need slot more clothes than you have right now. How long have you been wearing that outfit?"

I look down at my clothes, a sweater a flannel some jeans and some converse.
"What it's only been 3 days, you where that robe like everyday"
"I have multiple, anyway you could still use some extra clothes"

We stepped on our broom flew over to some clothing shops for wizards.
"You said it was for wizard? Why are there so many muggels then?" I ask him scared that someone is going to see our brooms.
"Trust me "
Severus places his wand on the back of the shop and taps 3 times.
The wall opens up and a whole shopping street got revield.
"I love magic" i say in a whisper

The first thing i spotted was
" a bookstore!!!" I run over to it, books were always my 'candy'.

"Y/n didn't you just say our house was a library?" Severus asked
"Yes...but you can never ever have to many books"
"You really sound like my kid" severus said quiet but I still heard it and it made me smile.

I ran over to one of the workers and asked them about the legend of the scarlet witch.

"Oo it's not a legend dear. But I cant just give you that book. " the lady says

"What? What do I need to do to get it" the lady wanted to speak but stopped.
Severus walked behind me and the lady greatest him. Ofc he knows the lady of the bookstore.

He looks at her and says
"She's my daughter it's oke"
What? What is oke?
She gives him a surprised look and took us out in the back.
The rest if the conversation was done mentally.
"Show me the mark" the lady speaks
"If you want to book you gotta prove that you have the mark"

I look up at severus he gave me a look that meant 'it's oke'
I lift up my sleeve revieling the mark and all of my scars at rhe same time. I quickly pull it out again.
I understood why the conversation had to be done mentally. What how can she do that? Is it just a thing all death eaters can do?

"Why did I need to show my mark?" I ask * still mentally *
"The book is under restriction by the dark Lord. Only a y/n snape could have it. I just needed proof it was you"
The lady answered
Me and severus look at eachother
"How did be know I would come here?"
"He's the dark lord"
"Don't give this to anyone without the mark, the book has a curse on it"
I read the title and see 'the most powerful witches'

Severus and I pay for the book and then walk out.
*conversation is back outloud *
"That was kinda creepy. How did you know she wanted to see the mark?

"It's not that first time the dark Lord puts restrictions on surten books" severus answered quietly.

This time we went in actual clothing stores. I picked out a few clothes, most dark academia style. And most with long sleeves. But severus told me to get a few with short ones for at home.
We stopped at a cafe drank some coffee and flew back home with alot of shopping bags.

Author: see this part is back to to original length :)

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