first chapter

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hey thereeee, I'm finally back with a new txt au and I'm so damn happy to be here again! I really hope you will enjoy this book! the first few chapters already took me so much effort, so I really really hope you will like the story :)

if you want you can listen to "opening sequence" I think it fits great with this chapter, but I also got inspired by "us- keshi" so you can listen to that, as well <3

[stream thursday's child]

hope you're ready <3 love you all!!!



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Soobin's pov:

Wandering through the shelves of the library always brought me some sort of calmness and comfort. It used to give me the feeling of safety. Looking at all the different books always told me, that I could escape from my reality, doesn't matter how cruel it seemed, anytime and I could flee in a fantasy world full of conflicts I could blame others for and happiness I could make to my own.

But right now, my world is too slow, my feet are too heavy, and my thoughts are too depressed to even think about escaping my reality, because nothing could let me forget, nothing could give me happiness.

I shake my head to help my brain organizing my thoughts. I need to forget it, forget him, at least for a moment.

I'm only here to give some books back, which I borrowed here before. Just focus on that, Soobin. Only three more days are left, so I wanted to give them back today.

Three more days till I will leave.

Three more days till I will be gone, probably forgotten by these shelves, this place, this town, and its people.

I make my way through the library, passing shelves, tables and studying students most of them with the uniform I wore myself just a few days ago.

Finally, I arrive at the counter of the librarian, a middle-aged woman with a bright and warm smile. I'm sure she knows mostly everything what's happening on the campus because everyone would tell her immediately. She just has the aura of a really reliable person you would trust instantly.

She greets me with her well known smile, like she would do it to every other person coming up here. "How can I help you?", she asks still smiling like everything is alright. I force myself to smile as well and explain to her that I just want to return some books. She nods while I hand out my books to her. Since there are no damages on the books she tells me, that I don't have to pay anything and right after she wishes me a great day. Thankful I retort it to her, even though I know my day is everything but good.

I turn around and take a look at the silent students, which are focused on their work and studies, some of them slightly smiling, some looking frustrated. My feet got a bit lighter after the honest smile of the librarian, so I make my way back.

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