twenty third chapter

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hiiii, this chapter is basically at the same time as the last but in Junnie's point of view, so this chapter will be sad as well :( and sadly I have to warn you, that also the following ones won't be the happiest either, but maybe it won't go the way you think now <33 stay tuned, grab a pillow to cuddle and enjoyyyy (and by the way I love this picture so much you don't understand bsbsbsjsjnsjs)



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Yeonjun's pov:

I don't move.
Ever since he left, I didn't move. I'm just standing here, not daring to move an inch with any part of my body, because it would hurt too much.

I don't dare to make it more real, to look around me not finding him, or to call for him, when he is not answering anyways. I don't want this to be real.

It's not like we are not together anymore, right? This is just a stupid fight. Everything will be okay again.

But why does it feel like I already lost him in a way?

I know he never wanted to hurt me, but I am, I am hurt. I said stupid things. I know he would not leave me without talking with me, but I just don't get him.

"Yeonjun?", I hear a familiar voice calling for me.

I hear how he closes the door, how he steps near me, I feel how he makes me sit back down on the couch. But I don't look at him. I know he is not the one I am desperate to see right now.

"Are you okay?", he asks me out of concern. But I can't bring myself to speak. I am just not able to do so. My mouth is as dry as a desert and I am so weak, that I can't even open it.

"Okay. Stupid question. I am sorry.", Gyu mumbles. Then there is a short moment of silence.

I look in front of me, seeing the letter thrown on the ground.

"Hey, can you at least say something? Don't look so emotionless! Please, it's scary" Gyu whisper-shouts, while sounding like he would start crying every second. But instead of answering I just stare, and stare, endlessly at the damn letter.

He wraps his arms around me, I can feel the warmth of his body reaching me.

And this is when I break down when I can take it anymore.

Reality hits me, it stabs me in my chest, taking my breath away, and I feel how my tears stream down my face.

"I can't take this, Gyu. I need him.", my voice comes out stagnantly.

He rubs over my back softly, trying to comfort me, "I know, I know Junnie. You won't loose him. Everything will be okay. Do you wanna tell me what happened?".

I nod, telling him everything. From the uneasy feeling I have since days till what happened a few hours before, where I found the letter and. Confronted Soobin who didn't explain anything to me but only made me accusations, wherein I am not entirely innocent for that. 

I said bad things to him, and I know it. It's my fault to start an argument for that and not asking him like a normal, rational thinking person. But emotions simply took over me. I couldn't act otherwise.

But before I could think about this more, another thought running through my mind got me irritated: "Wait. Why are you even here?".

"Well, let's just say I noticed that Soobin went to Tae and Hyuka, so I figured out that I should head to you as fast as I can. I knew, you would be a mess. But I didn't expect this..." he looks up and down on me, making his face extra judging to make me laugh.

And it works. I laugh a bit and the smile rests on my face.

And it stays, the same as Beomie does.
We turn the last few hours of the night in a movie night, without any sleep, but with cuddling like we used to years ago.

And it felt good.

At least he was able to distract me for a while.

But the thought of him comes back every time I close my eyes, every time I laugh and every time I look around.

I miss him already.

I need to fix this.

It can't be too late already.

It just can't be.


helllooooooo, here I am baaaaack

hope you like this chapter :) sorry, it is a bit short, but everything I added sounded too forced...

hope you like it anyway

love you all sooo much and if something is up, always remember that I am free to talk to <3

have a good day or night <333

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