eleventh chapter

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Soobin's pov:

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Soobin's pov:

"You have to help me! It's an emergency!!" I say, or more like scream at my phone, scaring the two boys that are listening to my loud outburst.

"Hyung, you need to calm down first." Taehyun says with his familiar calm voice. Indeed, he was able to calm me down a bit. But my problem still exists, and I really have no idea, what I should do.

"It's not your first date at all. And you met with Yeonjun alone a few times before. To be exact, he didn't even clarified, that it is a date. What are you so worried about?" he continues to talk, making me think about why I am this nervous.

Well, actually, it's simple to answer.

You probably already guessed it:

I like him.

Surprising, I know. But I was trying hard to not let me develop these kinds of feelings, to prevent me from these situations and the outcome of this.

Because I know that there will be conflicts, that there will be judging and an end at some time.

I don't want to feel the disappointment again. I don't want to be the dump one again. I don't want to learn, that it was all a joke to the other one, that it was all a lie. Again.

I don't want to hear all the insults and laughs again.

So, I tried really hard to focus on my invisibleness, but it didn't work out, like I wanted it.

I fell for him.

And I can't say, I don't like it. That I don't like the way, he looks at me. That I don't like it when he's smiling only for me. When he's entrusting me things, he told nobody before. When he sees me.

I am thankful for that.

But I still don't know, if it's okay for me to feel this way, if I trust him enough, if I trust myself enough.

But I can't stop falling.

And something inside me hopes that he doesn't make me stop falling.

"How can you say that Tae? It's obvious that it's a date. Yeonjun never asked Soobin a few days before and he even considered Soobin's favorite band! It has to be one!" the youngest one now states. His words not really help me to calm down, but he doesn't let me time to think too much about it, when he asks: "Do you have a hint, what he will be wearing, Hyung?"

I shook my head as a response, but when I realize that the two of them can't see me, but only hear me through the speaker I add: "No, not really. I mean he mostly styles himself in dark colors like black and grey, if we are meeting up."

"Okay, we will make you fit to this kind of styling. Tae, think with me." Hyuka continues, his excitement, to be allowed to choose whatever I will wear, taking over him.

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