fifteenth chapter

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Yeonjun's pov:

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Yeonjun's pov:

After a short ride we arrive at the building the party is located. I sat next to Beomgyu on the back row the whole ride, but he didn't even send me a glance. He was captivated by the driving Taehyun and madly blushing.

Something about this is suspicious. Tae even winked at him through the mirror. Something is up, and I know it. I might not be the smartest person, but I know my best friend quite well and if he acts that way, something must have happened.

But I can't concentrate on that matter for long, because right when we arrive, I feel Soobin's hand, who sits next to me as well, tighten around my own.

Soobin is not the one, who wants to go out or make new friends, I have noticed that a few times already. But he always agrees to do something fun even if it's just to see his friends happy.

I grip his hand tighter and follow him out of the car, letting Gyu, who hurries next to Tae, and Hyuka step in the house in front to of us.

I rub my thumb at Binnie's hand in a comforting manner as we enter the big house, that is already filled with people, alcohol, and music. We are greeted by Johnny, the owner of the house and also the party, who of course is standing next to his boyfriend, Ten.

"Are we late?" I ask in amusement, seeing so many people already inside the house, after greeting them.

"Yeah, kinda! But you didn't miss anything. Go, go and enjoy yourself!" Johnny answers, making all five of us step in more. "The good stuff is in the kitchen!", he adds but his voice is already nothing more than a whisper, mostly drowned out by the loud music.

We make our way through the dancing people, easily finding the kitchen.

Because Taehyun is the first to arrive there, spotting the alcohol, he fills something of the pink colored liquid, that smells like punch, in five cups for each of us. I accept the cup, thanking him and looking for Soobin to toast with him.

And so, we did, while looking in each other's eyes. And even though the music is still so loud that I'm nearly not able to hear Hyuka screaming next to me out of excitement, I still feel the prickling inside my chest like whenever his beautiful shining eyes find their way towards mine. I just love his brown orbs so much. It's the most beautiful thing in the world if you ask me.

Before I could even blink a second time, Tae and Beomie are already gone and Hyuka is only a silhouette for me by now, finding his own track through all the dancing bodies in the next room in front of us.

"Are you ready?" I ask Soobin, who nods hesitantly as an answer.

With that I take his hand with my right one, while the other one is still holding my drink, leading him towards the dancefloor, or should I say living room?

The longer we stay there the more I get comfortable with the music, and I see Soobin feels the same. I can't say if it's because of the alcohol, the relaxed and at the same time heated atmosphere, or just because the two of us are together, dancing again.

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