twenty fourth chapter

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Soobin's pov:

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Soobin's pov:

"Sooooooobiiiiiiin! Stand uuuuuuup!" Hyukas nagging and whining sounds like a siren in my ear, but even though this sound could frighten mountains I squint my eyes together, forcing them to stay closed.

I don't want to open them.

I don't want to go up.

I wanna lay here forever, sleeping and -most importantly- not thinking. Sleep is the scariest and at the same time most redeeming thing in the world. Your brain does so many things, but you do not notice any of these. You don't know what you thought when you wake up. And you don't think while you sleep.

I love it. That's the only thing I have done for days now.

I didn't go to my classes and barely ate or washed myself. I just slept. And slept. And slept.

"Soooobiiiiiiiiin", Hyukas voice is not only whiny but reproachful by now.

"Aghh, what do you want?", I say, my voice is hoarse from the lack of speaking the last few days and I can barely open my eyes. It is too bright in here.

"You can't lay on our coach for days and expect us to just accept that!", Taehyun now says.

"Yes, I can", I say now loudly, grabbing my pillow and throwing it above my head so the sun shines wouldn't hit my face with so much brightness.

"No." Hyuka says sternly while he and Tae pull my pillow and blanket away from me, leaving me whining loudly.

"Don't be such a baby!", Tae exclaims and walking out of the room, right away in his.

"Why is he so grumpy today?", I ask, my voice now normal again, while I rub my eyes.

Hyuka chuckles: "Says the right one.". I give him a more or less angry look but have to smile right after.

I'm damn lucky that the two of them keep up with my attitude the last days and let me stay with them for so long. I can't be angry.

"To be honest I don't know for sure. But Beomgyu wasn't here since you came, maybe he is in withdrawal.", Hyuka laughs about his own joke are filling the room, where as I smile.

"Get ready you two! We are going clubbing tonight.", a grin is plastered on his face when Tae comes out of his room, suggesting that.

Hyuka looks at me as irritated as I am.

"Clubbing?", I ask. "You never go clubbing!", adds Hyuka.

"Well, we will do today. I will pick ab Gyu in two hours so hurry up!", with that being said, he turns around again, going in his room. He is probably needing the most possible time to make himself handsome for his secret-boyfriend, who is not as secret as he thinks. Well, we don't know if they are dating or anything, but it's pretty obvious that there is more than friendship between these two.

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