twenty first chapter

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Yeonjun's pov:

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Yeonjun's pov:

Something is up.

I feel it.

And I don't mean Hyuka, who constantly talks with a girl we don't really know, a friend of Yeri and Lisa. And I also, don't mean Beomgyu's bad lying about his relationship with Taehyun, which is so obvious - I don't know why he even tries to deny it.

I mean the boy lying next to me in the bed we are sharing since months. The boy I know the best in the world, and the boy I love more than anything else.

But since a few days, three to be exact, he avoids me. He doesn't talk to me as much as he used to, he doesn't wait for me anymore, when I'm coming home later than him, he is ready for bed and always tired, so I don't even get the chance to talk with him.

I don't know what is going on, but I am sure something must have happened.

It's not like the feelings between us have changed, right?

The way he looks at me has changed, though.

There is something in his eyes, I can't recognize. Not that I get to look in his eyes often right now. But whenever I can catch a glimpse of his eyes, I see something hiding in there.

Or maybe he is the one hiding? Hiding from me?

Keeping a secret from me?

I really don't know what is going on and it drives me crazy.

And I don't know how I can make him open up to me. I can't force him to tell me what is wrong, and I know him long enough to not pressure him to do so. Because if I would do this, he would close up completely and won't let me enter his world, his thoughts for days.

But I can't let him drift apart from me like this, right?

I really don't know what to do.

I sigh and turn around, feeling uneasy in the bed, I was the most comfortable in before.

I face the wall, while my back is now facing Soobin and even though I know he is still awake, I can't bring myself to talk to him.

I just don't want to lose him.

What is wrong?

And with that thought crossing my mind, I close my eyes trying to force myself to sleep.

After about an hour of tossing and turning I gave up. Not even the quiet and cute snoring of Soobin can help me get to sleep tonight. It is like, my brain doesn't want to give me the possibility to forget all the problems through drifting to sleep tonight.

Maybe if I drink something warm, it will be better after?

Agreeing, I stand up as quietly as I can and go fast to our kitchen counter, at least as fast as I can without seeing that much more than the silhouettes of our furniture.

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