twelfth chapter

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Yeonjun's pov:

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Yeonjun's pov:

His smile. His bunny-like smile.

That's the first thing I see, when the door opens slowly.

Then I get to see his beautiful eyes, glistening by the sight of the flowers I hold in my hands. His eyes, that observe me, getting big, when he realizes the flowers are meant for him and searching for my eyes in disbelieve.

And then I recognize his outfit. And wow. Not a single thought is able to form in my head when I look up and down his body. How can he be this-

"A-are they for me?", Soobin dares to open his mouth, pointing at the mentioned flowers. I lead my gaze towards the bouquet, still unable to create a sensible sentence. To cover this up, I just stretch my arms and give him the beautiful creation of flowers.

I look at him, observing every movement when he accepts the flowers and views the single blossoms. His eyes light up, I see his dimples appear visibly, while he carefully rotates the bouquet inside his hands.

I guess he didn't thought it wpuld be a date, since we would hang out, just the tow of us, quite often. This is also a reason why I bought these, to show him, that I am serious.

"Co-come in.", he continues to talk, and I enter his apartment. I immediately recognize his table, where I put my note on and the corridor Soobin dragged me through, ending at his bedroom.

I look at Soobin who is busy preparing a vase with water to put the flowers inside, preventing it from drying out.

We talk a bit, both using our softest tones, creating a wholesome atmosphere. As when Soobin finished, we walked out of his apartment and the campus, right towards my car, which will bring us to the place of the concert.

After a short ride full of laughers and soothing silences, we arrive at the concert and of course we have to stand in an unbelievable long queue. We must wait way more time than it took us to come here, but it's all worth it when I look right beside me. Soobin, even though his nervousness is clearly visible, looks so excited and happy. His cheerful smile, his eyes full of joy, it all makes me happy too. I can't help, but stare at him every time he tells me, how exited he is to go inside, how much he want it all to start and how badly he wants to listen to their songs in real life.

After a long time waiting, that honestly felt like seconds with the boy beside me, we are able to enter the hall already filled with tons of people, everyone looking so carefree and genuinely happy, just focusing on what will be happening at the stage in a few minutes.

Soobin and I search for a place where we can see most of what is happening. Since we are both quite tall, Soobin a few centimeters more than me, we have more options than most of the others here. Finally, we found a place urged by the crowd, but with which we are able to see the action at stage.

I can feel the nervousness coming up in me. I really want to see them perform so bad! It will be so great! I look at Soobin, an excited smile plastered on my face, searching for his emotions. His gazes switch between me, showing me his brightly shining eyes, and the stage with hopeful eyes.

Suddenly all lights get dark, all you can see is darkness. Unconscious I'm searching for Soobin's right hand, to make sure I won't loose him, even though I know, of course, that we are both standing still.

Our fingertips touch, sending a tingling feeling through my body, but before I could think about whether I should connect our hands or not, I grab his hand softly, making his fingers spread, so that I can slip my hand around his correctly.

He doesn't say anything, no words of confirmation nor of rejection, so I let our hands stay this way.

Even when the lights turn on a few seconds later, shocking everyone and making the whole crowd scream in excitement, when four figures are able to get recognized on stage, I don't let go of his hand. I hear all the boys and girls surrounding us, screaming their lungs out and feel my own body getting filled with excitement. I let myself get carried along these screams and the rhythms the band in front of us starts to produce.

The whole concert long I held Soobin's hand, not letting go of it once, even though we excitedly jump, scream, and turn.

It all was over in a blink of an eye. The three hours felt like ten minutes, with all the happiness surrounding us, filling us up from the inside.

But sadly, we already arrived at the last song.

Ironically, and of course not because the author thought it would greatly fit to the storyline, The Rose end their performance with their legendary track I.L.Y. And I swear I have never felt so connected with this song so much as in this moment.

Baby I'm falling for you

The whole hall grabs their light sticks or lamps and swings them in the slow rhythm of the song. Everybody feels the difference in the atmosphere. Full of emotions and unspoken words, everyone sings along the well-known lyrics.

I love you, our love is true

Soobin leans closer to me, and I lay an arm around his waist, so that he won't fall, by all that swinging.

Time is passing by

He looks at me. We lock eyes, only able to do so, because of all the lights everyone is reaching up in the air

I love you, our love is true

I can't look away. His eyes keep me captivated.

Please don't ever change

Can this moment freeze?

I love you

I lean closer to him.

And he does the same.

The music is only a background sound by now. The boy next to me now has my full attention. This time I can't hold myself back. This time there is now Hyuka, distracting us. This time everyone is busy and in their own worlds. Nobody cares about us right now.

But I care so much about you, Soobin. I don't know how to say it.

Our love is true

We connect our lips, with the ending note of the song. All the applause and screams are not existent, not significant for me. It's completely muted for me. I just can hear my heart pounding loud inside my chest.

I lay both my hands on his waist, keeping him close.

It's the first kiss and I am already addicted to his god damn lips. I can't get enough. I don't want to stop. I softly turn my head so he can get in a more comfortable position. We don't break the kiss. I don't know how long our lips are already connected, but I know it isn't enough. Even if it would be for infinity, it wouldn't be enough. My heart beats fast and I feel him relaxing in the kiss. We both are in trance, don't want this to end or something new to start.

But eventually we have to break our connection, feeling the need to breath.

I look him in the eyes, not letting him go and breath out

"I love you".


helloooo, I'm back and in time, I can't believe it myself :)))

What will Soobin say? What do you think? How will he react? I'm sorry for leaving you on a cliffhanger like this <3

thank you so much for over 400 reads!!!!

I hope there aren't that many typos and mistakes. It's already quite late but I wanted to publish within today....

I hope you have a great day or night!!


someone great // yeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now