fourth chapter

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Soobin's pov:

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Soobin's pov:

It's my first week studying here in this college and I already love it. It's a first time for me, living apart of my family and of course I'm still struggling a bit but all in all everything went smoothly, and I can enjoy the freedom I have now.

It's not that I didn't like living with my parents. I really did. I am their only child, which means all the pressure and hope was lead on me, but that also means I received all the love from both my parents. I never missed something in my entire life, I had everything I needed, probably a bit more. Also, they support me in every way they can. But it's kinda nice to know, nobody stays awake, till you come home, that I can choose it myself when I eat something or when I go to sleep. It just feels different and... good.

The only thing that clouds my mind is that night five days before. It's Wednesday now and because of the tons of work and studies I have to do, even though it's only my first week here, I honestly don't have time to think so much about it, but this boy just won't get out of my head.

Every time I close my eyes, I see his smile, his rather long black hair falling in his handsome face. Every time I think about the kiss, I can't stop the blush creeping up my cheeks.

Yes, I remember this moment. I remember everything, how he prevented me from falling, how we danced together way too close, how he brought me home and how I wanted him to stay.

No! It was just the alcohol in my veins that wanted it, not me. But either way I try, I can't deny the fact, that little butterflies started to fly around in my stomach when I saw his note on my table the next day.

But I can't let myself trap in this again. This time I'll stay focused.

I shake my head, trying to get rid of all these thoughts. Right now, I'm on my way to the library to study there. My original plan was to hang out with Hyuka and Taehyun, mostly because I want to finally know where the two have been during that party, but they both ditched me for someone else. I don't know who, neither from Hyuka nor from Tae. But they agreed to hang out a few hours later, so I'll hopefully get some answers then. No, I'll make sure to get some answers then.

Walking through the big halls of my university, I'm trying not to draw anyone's attention on me. Nothing happened till now, but you never know. Some people are assholes and I don't want any one of them getting a look at me too closely, because they will find something, anything that they don't like. And they just need that to make your comfortable life into a living hell. The worst thing is, it's not only about you, but also about your friends, who will either get bullied and bothered along or are forced to stop being friends with you. I don't want to risk whether the first nor the other option.

Not again.

Turning around the last corner, I enter the library full of shelves, books and, of course, students. I give the librarian, who looked up when she sensed someone entering her habitat, a genuine smile, which she returns warmly and make my way through the many tables full of students. The left side of the hall is full of windows, that way you have a great view on the courtyard of the university. So, I take a glimpse at the sight only to see that it's raining like crazy outside, while I search for a free seat to sit down.

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