twentieth chapter

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Soobin's pov:

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Soobin's pov:

Twenty two minutes. Still twenty two minutes.

The big white clock is moving their hands exhaustingly slow. The silence of the room makes it able for me to hear every single tick.

I look around, everyone has their heads stuck in the English books, while mine lays before me. It's not that I hate English. I am good at it, or at least I'm getting better since High School. I just do not understand why I have to endure that. The teaching is miserable.

The teacher is nice, but she doesn't really know what she is doing. She can speak English perfectly, but the students in here are just so damn clueless about any word, that is coming out of her mouth.

Twenty one minutes.

I sigh, leading my eyes back to the book in front of me, trying hard to concentrate on the letters.

The next ten minutes were nearly unbearable, as we must read in total silence. In this kind of moments, I am honestly amazed, that these stupid and loud students are actually able to be silent but at the same time I am nearly shocked, that some of them are simply too afraid to speak when the teacher forbids it. Because even though the teacher in here right now is actually pretty nice, you don't want to bear with her when she is angry. Her voice becomes louder than a siren. We all get sweat beads when she says something about "rolling a dice" to decide who will have to present their work.

Nevertheless, the last ten minutes went by, now only eleven minutes are left to endure.

With Hyuka by my side, and the now beginning talks between the teacher and some students, I am finally able to ignore the constant tick tock, coming from the clock.

With the teacher being distracted, I use my chance and grab my smartphone. I see a new message from my boyfriend, asking me to meet at the canteen, which I respond positively of course.

And there is a mail, which is weird since I don't get mails that often. Curiosity taking over me, I tap on it to open, but not before glancing at the teacher in front of me a last time.

         Dear Choi Soobin,

         We have seen your efforts appearing as a model during several projects.

As the project managers of the magazine "Kim&Kim" we were attracted to your posts and skills.

We would want to talk with you in person, since we are interested in having you as an employee here in America.

Please let us know your number and a time during the next two days, in which we can contact you.

We are hoping for a positive feedback and hope we can see you at the front page of our magazines soon!

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