fifth chapter

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Yeonjun's pov:

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Yeonjun's pov:

I feel like a fool. Whenever he turns around, giving me one of his bunny-like smiles, I feel like a fool.

I can't do anything about it, but when he looks at me the only memory is us dancing in the disco lights. (a/n: sorry, I may be too much on tiktok) And everything about it makes me smile like an idiot. Everything about him makes me a fool, who would do anything for his smile.

And damn, I only met him the second time today.

I've never, never in my entire life felt something like this. Love at first sight was a myth for me, a miracle that only exists in dreams of children and books for teenagers.

But what I experience here, may make me believe. It may...

"Let's go sit on that bench." I gesture the taller boy the way.

Since last year, when I discovered this place, it's my favorite one in this area.

"I've never seen this bench", Soobin says, slightly tilting his head to the left sight and scrunching his forehead while thinking, which nearly got me squealing out loud on this sight.

"Understandable, since it's in the last corner of the park." I decide to say instead. And it really is. The park is actually formed like a circle, but this corner destroys its geomatical form and making it staying apart from the crowded center, hidden behind a few trees, whereas the other benches are turned towards flowers and lawn. So, why would somebody want to sit here instead on one with the standard view.

"I discovered this place when I wanted to escape people. I wanted a place, nobody knows and where nobody would ask me anything. And I like looking at these trees, it feels like it's natural and not formed by humans." I add to my speech, without looking at the male beside me, but definitely feeling his gaze on me.

"Wow, I'd never thought you would want to escape all those looks and judges, too." Soobin's whisper makes me turn around to face him.

I can't read his expression. There is no smile, no sadness, no anger in his face, or maybe all of it at once.

I just nod and we both fall silent again. It's quite interesting how we are able to have these comfortable silences when we only met a few days ago. But somehow, they appear out of nowhere again and again, and none of us has something against it.

"What are you normally doing here?" Soobin asks when curiosity takes over him after a few minutes. "Usually, I write songs here." I say, as if it doesn't bother me at all to tell him my secret. "Really?" he exclaims excited, and I nod.

"This place gives me every sort of atmosphere I need to have, and when I bring my guitar with me, I just start to play and write down what my inspiration tells me." I get a bit quieter with every word, but Soobin doesn't seem to notice too amazed by what he just figured out. "Are you a Music student?" he asks again. "Yes, I am part of the singing section."

He only nods in response, not knowing what to say next.

"None of my songs is released or even completely finished, at least that I'm satisfied with it, but maybe, I will sing for you sometime." I say, not daring to look at him.

Weird, how my confidence is so low when I'm with him. Most of the time I want to impress people by simple things, only to get some praises in return but not something serious. Only to feel a bit better for a short time, to distract myself. But strangely, I want to show him only the best of me. Maybe I want to show myself that I can be serious about someone or to show him that I'm worth for something with him? Probably both.

"That would be great!" Soobin says. His words come out like a whisper, but I can clearly recognize the excitement and happiness through them.

"I like the view here, too", he adds but shivers right after stating the truth. Looking at him concerned, I give him the jacket I was wearing all the time. Nothing special, neither the grey sweatshirt-jacket, or the ordinary action, but he looks at me with big eyes, wondering why I would do something like this for him, as soon as he notices my intention.

His brown hair falls for his eyes, but our eye contact does not break. It looks like he's battling with himself deep inside whether it's okay or not to wear my jacket. I don't know why, this is such a big thing for him, but I don't leave him a chance when I put the jacket on top of his shoulders with a quick move. In a blink of an eye, he's covered with my jacket, which seems too big despite his size.

"I-I-", he wants to start, probably listing reasons, why he wouldn't wear my jacket. But I quickly notice how his body relaxes at the contact with the added fabric, so I interrupt him: "It's okay, don't worry!".

He nods and looks like he doesn't want to argue.
"Soobs, is everything okay?", I ask. I don't quite get the boy next to me.

On the one side he is always excited, almost has the smile glued on his lips as it never leaves him for a long time and looks at you as if you would talk about the most interesting thing in his entire life, but then he changes rapidly. He's so shy, that even calling him 'Soobs' makes him blush, which I find extremely cute by the way, and he doesn't want to speak loudly, doesn't want to get any attention from nobody.

It's confusing. But I'm desperate to know why he acts this way. I want to understand him.

So, I look at him, still waiting for an answer to the asked question.

"I'm fine" he says while underlining his statement with a shy yet trying to be convincing smile and I stop asking. He doesn't want to tell me what's on his mind and that's clearly understandable. I mean this is the first time we're actually talking, in a sober way at least.

Suddenly Soobin's phone buzzes. While looking at it, his smile gets brighter, but at the next second his expression falls apart.

"I'm sorry, but my friends and I agreed on meeting in a few minutes, so I guess I have to go." He's not looking at me again, as if he is afraid. But what is he afraid of?

"That's fine, my friend also asked me to hang out later. Where will you meet them? I can drop you off if you want." I say, giving my voice a soothing sound, so that he would feel more comfortable again. And it seems to work. He nods while smiling and this time I really believe this smile.

"At the mall close here" he says in his quiet voice.

That's why we make our way to the mall now, while I text Beomgyu about it and telling him to be there too then.

Back then I wouldn't have thought that this day will be the start of something different, something beautiful and something special.


hiii there,

I'm sorry if there are any mistakes but I wasn't able to check for some, today

hope you still like it

I love you all

and thank you sooooooo much for 100 reads <333

have a good day or night

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