seventeenth chapter

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hiii, just a short disclaimer, so you all know what this chapter is about :) It will be a taegyu chapter and it happens right after college on the day when the party will take place. there will be some more of these chapters because I want to focus also on them and I think it makes the story multifaceted.

okay, hope you like that chapter and it will clear some questions you (and also Yeonjun) probably had :) have fuuuun



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Beomgyu's pov:

I am so dumb.

What am I even doing here?

Why did I make this stupid decision on confessing today? Why would I do that? I will never have the courage.

Damn, I don't even know, if he likes guys that way.

"Beomgyu? Is everything okay?" I hear Taehyun saying. That's my sign to finally look up again.

On the other hand, it really gets out of control nowadays. He just has to look at me and I suddenly forget how to speak. I can't even breath properly when he is around. He is making a mess out of me without even doing anything.

And the fact that we are now real friends, that see each other at least one time a day at lunch isn't really helping.

I've tried, I have tried many times to get that crush out of my head. But whenever I see him, my heart starts to pound so fast, that it is nearly hurting me and the butterflies in my stomach must have gotten tired already.

Now, here, in this little café near our university in where he invited me, before we will go to the party later is the perfect location to say it to him. It's the perfect time to finally tell him. Since I noticed that he seems to give me more attention lately, my hopes got even higher. And even if he rejects me, what could probably happen? It will be awkward, yes, but we will get over it.

Okay, I will do it.

"I-I" my mouth starts to form words or at least tries to, as soon as I notice that I am staring.

I look at him, his brown chocolate like orbs, in which I got lost so often already. I see him in front of me, the boy I liked in fourth grade, fell in love with three years after and tried to ignore for two years then, but fell even deeper after that.

Now or never. I repeat that to myself again and again.

If you want him, now is your chance, Beomgyu.

I close my eyes to collect some strength. When I open them again, I look right inside his own ones, seeing his long eyelashes and some of his grey hair strings falling in his face.

"I-i-i l-like" I try again, but don't get to say what I want.

My eyes fall on my ice cream cake, when I search for the words, I need.

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