sixteenth chapter

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Soobin's pov:

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Soobin's pov:

I take a breath, probably the first of today.

Do you know the feeling when all the impressions you accepted over the day are too much to handle? When all conversations, thoughts and feelings are inside your head, making you feel like it's gonna explode?

Right now, under the shower, they all get mixed together, becoming one with the rustle of the flowing water till they are gone, leaving me only with the sound of water and an empty head for a few seconds.

Standing under pattering water, makes me finally able breath.

I sigh, turn off the shower and make my way out of it, stepping in the freezing air of the remaining bathroom.

After I made myself ready for bed with some of Junies clothes I go out of the room, searching for the mentioned boy.

His apartment looks a lot like mine, but everywhere I can see it's his because of little details like the postcards of his family members, his athletic clothes thrown randomly above chairs and his computer on the opposite wall, in front of his bed.

"Hey, sweets. Are you alright?" he asks me as soon as he sees me while sitting on his bed. He was still in his party outfit, when I left him to shower, but now he is dressed only in pants already ready to sleep.

I nod and let me sink on his bed right next to him.

To be honest that guy on the party did not really hurt me or something, I was just shocked and confused maybe a bit frightened, I mean like maybe a lot. Nothing serious or anything. But nevertheless, it's cute to see Yeonjun worrying about me.

So, I smile at him to prove that I am absolutely fine and after he went to the bathroom as well, we both lay down.

"Thank you for earlier." My words come out as a whisper because I am afraid Yeonjun is already up for sleep.

"Don't thank me, I wasn't there in time"

With that being said, he lays his arms around me, keeping me safe for the night. It seems like he wants to say sorry with this gesture of his, even though he has no reason to feel guilty. But nevertheless, his arms around me make me feel safe in seconds, so I am able to drift to sleep pretty soon.

"Good morning, bub."

I hear a voice. And even though I am way too tired to recognize it just now, I feel all cozy inside when he speaks up. I slowly open my eyes and see Yeonjun, hovering above the bed with a board in his arms. On top of that is everything you could wish for an amazing breakfast with baked egg and toast.

But before I could even comprehend what is going on, my gaze falls on a red rose, making me get butterflies dancing around in my stomach. A rose?!

Why do I get this?

I mean, if something represents love than this, right?

He didn't even did something wrong or anything.

So that means, he just wants to give me some joy.

That is so damn adorable

A smile makes their way on my mouth when I struggle to sit up properly.

"What's that for?" I ask Junie while I rub my eyes to get rid of my sleepiness.

I see him shrugging his shoulders when he places the breakfast board on top of my legs, that are still covered with our bed sheets and sit down, right next to me.

How did I deserve a random red rose? What is that for?

Does he even know how much happiness this brings me?

I find this action so adorable!

How do I deserve someone so understanding and affectionate as my boyfriend?

"Thank you" I say quietly, blushing lightly as I grab the rose carefully and looking at it closely.

It looks beautiful in this dimmed light of the room, but maybe it looks even better, because my beloved one lays next to me and gifted me this treasure.

"You're welcome" he says, kissing my forehead right after.

We enjoy our breakfast together, talking nonsense and laughing, all the stress because of yesterday long forgotten. And still, I feel like Yeonjun wants to tell me something but somehow can't get it out of his mouth.

With that thought being formed I turn my body a bit towards Junie, so I am able to look him straight in the eyes.

His eyes avoid me as soon as he knows I noticed his weird behavior.

"Y-you know, I-I was thinking..." he begins, still not looking at me, probably embarrassed because of his own stuttering. I think it's cute. It's rare to see him like this. It is like in the beginning when he complimented me.

It made it even cuter every time if you ask me.

I wait for him to go on with an expectant gaze.

"When I woke up today and saw you still in my arms, I-I just thought that you looked so cute, and I would love to see this every morning. But I know it's really spontaneous and all and I don't want to rush anything, I just-"

"Are you asking me to move in with you?" I say in total disbelieve.

He nods.

Unconsciously, I wrap my arms around Junie, my Junie. He finally looks me in the eyes and let his hands roam down till they reach my hips, while I make myself comfortable on top of his lap now.

Everything happens out of instinct when he starts to kiss me softly.

Our tongues dance in sync, while our air is nearing towards the end.

Both of our eyes are closed when we part away after a too short seeming moment.

"So, is this a yes?"

Yeonjun asks me breathless.

And I can only nod, before Yeonjun crashes his lips against mine again.

My Yeonjun.


helloo, happy christmas for everyone who celebrates it and if not I wish you great days as well <33

did you like the chapter?

it's a little bit short isn't it?

I will try to upload regularly, but I only try of course so don't be angry if I am not able to do so!

I would love to hear your thoughts in the comments and don't forget to make the little star shine <3

I love you all

have a great day or night <33

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