twenty seventh chapter

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hiii, a song will appear here so maybe it will be good to listen to it! it's called "party without you" by NIve! I love this song and the artist (that's why I name him in every one of my story) soooo, feel free to listen to it and enjoyyyy <33



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Soobin's pov

The delirium I am in, holds on since a few days. Since that day, to be exact.

That specific day is the only one I can clearly picture in my mind, that specific conversation.

Everything else is just existing around me - I am just existing.

The world keeps spinning around me, but not with me.

"Soobin-ah! Wake up!", Hyuka says, waving his hand right in front of my eyes.

My sight clears and I look at the younger boy, scolding him with my eyes: "It's still Hyung for you!"

I really try to be the old Soobin, the Hyung my friends can count on and the silent but funny one, that nobody has to worry about. I really try.

I try to be happy again.

But it's hard sometimes.

"Where can we get the tickets from, then?" Tae asks. We want to go to a concert to make me forget everything for a few hours and to celebrate before I have to take my flight to the US, which is tomorrow afternoon.

"I may have an option, but I really don't wanna ask her.", Hyuka mumbles.

"Who?!", Tae and I ask in unison.

"Riju ..., she has connections to the local concerts organization", he responses mumbling.

"Who?", Tae repeats and asks the question, I am asking myself as well.

"Is she your secret date from months ago?", I ask, finally connecting some points in my head.

Hyuka just nods, "Yes, and also the one who is befriended with Lisa and the one who tried to tell Yeonjun on Johnny's party, that someone touched you."

He looks down, and after a few moments he starts to talk again: "But we kind of had an argument. Well, no. I was a dickhead and now she doesn't want to talk to me anymore. At least not in that way."

"Why? What did you do? And why didn't you tell us?!", I nearly shout in disbelief.

"I can't talk about what we fought, and we never really were together. If so, I would have told you. It was the day I asked her out, when she confessed a secret and I didn't know how to act, so I acted like an asshole." He explains himself, stuttering a bit and his voice full of guiltiness.

Tae joins the conversation again: "Do you love her?" and Hyuka nods along to the words: "Well, I guess so. I really miss her and it's been months." I sigh, feeling terrible to know that Hyuka, the sunshine and epitome of happiness, was hurt since month but I didn't notice it, because I was too overwhelmed by my own problems.

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