tenth chapter

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Yeonjun's pov:

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Yeonjun's pov:

It's October. The leaves are falling down one by one, flying around all kind of people, immersing little kids and covering the bleak streets with warm colors.

I love the autumn. The perfect sweater-weather.

With a smile on my face, I leave my dorm and make my way to the campus. Today there is something I am excited about, something that makes my day better, just by thinking about the end of the day.

Additional to my most loved time of the year, it's also Friday, which makes today even better.

And not only a usual Friday.

I asked Soobin to go to a concert with me. One of his favorite bands. The Rose. Not necessary to add, that I'm also a big fan of them. (a/n: one of my friends is so in love with them, but I can't really blame her... I fell in love with their songs as well)

It's been months now since Soobin and I met. And I can't say my feelings ever get any less. It's more like the other way around.

Whenever I see him, I feel something inside me, pulling myself towards him. I want to see him smile, I want to hug him, whenever I get the chance, I want to hold his hand, which – I found this out recently – fits perfectly in mine and want his attention on me. But what makes my feelings towards him even more obvious to myself, is my raising anger, whenever someone comes near him. Whether they are girls or boys, or any other kind of person. I barely can hold back myself when someone is touching him. A simple hug can make me furious.

I know that's not good, that's not even acceptable. Soobin and I are nothing more than friends.

Even though I want to persuade myself that the hugs, holding hands, late night calls and words of affirmation mean more than with other people. We are just friends.

At least till now.

I came to terms with myself. I like him.

Way more than anyone before.

Yes, I had many people before, in short intervals and I'm aware that I'm the talk of the university now since I never was single for this long.

I just hope, Soobin doesn't listen to them. What if he thinks that I am a player? That I am not genuinely interested in him, if I told him?

But even though all these insecurities start rising every time, I think about it, I'm still happy to visit this concert today. I love to see him happy. And I prepared myself, to tell him about my feelings today.

I just hope it will be alright.

Out of excitement, I smile the whole way on my way, don't get bothered by anything and am only able to pull out of my thoughts when a familiar head plops out right in front of me.

"Hyung, what's going on? Since when are you all smiley this early?" Beomgyu asks me with his usual excited expression.

Together we walk through the corridors and enter the classroom to attend one of the rare classes, where we can be together.

The teacher follows soon after. Everything went normal, with Beomgyu being too noisy, me being too tired and some other students being too interested in whatever the teacher in front all of us is saying.

After what felt like hours, we are finally allowed to leave the room, making our way to different classes this time, which were - if you ask me- boring on the exact same level as the one bevor.

Finally, it is lunch time.

This is normally the only time of the day, when I can see Taehyun, Hyuka and of course Soobin. And as expected, all three of them are already sitting on our usual table at the back, happily chatting with each other.

Determined I walk towards them, a now blushing Beomgyu close behind me.

"Hey, what's going on?", I ask while sitting down next to Soobin, because of the loud laughing that reached my ears as soon as I got to the table.

Hyuka begins to tell me some story of the day, where he embarrassed his two friends on front of the whole class, but I only listen halfhearted.

All I can think about is the boy right next to me, our hands only centimeters apart, but I don't dare to connect them, because just like my feeling also his mysterious behavior is still the same as bevor. Sometimes he is fine with any physical contact and the next day, he would avoid even a single touch. I still can't read him. He always has his beautiful smile on his face, and sometimes I believe to see some sort of veil in his shining eyes. When his bunny-like smile seems a bit too perfect, there is this veil of sadness. Like a river of silent cries is visualized inside them.

And I am the only one, that can see this.

I look at him for a moment, while he enters the conversation. His side profile is beautiful. Everything, the tip of his nose, his cheeks and his lips are wonderful formed in such a soft and pure way, that would make everyone's heart melt, just by looking at him.

I can't believe that he isn't taken, that nobody seems to see his all over breathtaking wonderfulness, his unbelievable kindness, his extraordinary big heart, which seems to engulf the whole world.

The sound of clearing a throat wakes me up from my daydreaming. I am fast to look away again but am still able to take a glance at Soobin's now red cheeks. I write a mental note, that he showed me that kind of reaction, but I try to not let this get my hopes up and enter the conversation as well, as if nothing had happened.

After we all ate our lunch, we all go to our classes.

Nothing special happens again and I am so incredible happy, when I can step out of this building, breathing in the fresh autumn air, that smells like rain and contentment.

Now, I have to fulfill my plan, I made earlier this day, and look for a bouquet of flowers for the one and only Choi Soobin. It has to be something unusual, something unexpected, but not too fancy, just extraordinary, small and full of calmness. That's what I tell the florist as well, whom I am standing in front of in this moment.

The middle-aged man just nodded, and I let him do his job. After a short time, he fullbrought his magic and shows me the perfect bouquet, just like my description said before.

It looks beautiful. Impressive, but not too fancy. Unusual, but full of tranquility.

It is like him. Incredibly beautiful, interwoven with calmness, and emanating a mysterious aura.

Hopefully, he will like it too.


hello there, I'm sorry I was gone again :( it's just so much at the moment... but I definitely want to publish at Thursday again, so I'm trying!

hope you forgive me ^^

and just for you to know, this day/ night I am writing about right now will last for a few chapters, so stay excited :)

I hope you are all doing fine, if something is up my dms are always open <3

make the little star in the corner shine and don't forget to comment, I would love to hear your thoughts!

have a great day or night


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