thirteenth chapter

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Soobin's pov:

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Soobin's pov:

He loves me.

I hide my face in his chest not able to answer his silent request to say it back. I don't know what to say, I don't know how to react. So, I do, what I always do. I hide myself.

I don't know, why I don't push him away, shielding him up from me.

But I don't know why I don't repeat his words towards him either.

I really don't know what I feel, I don't know how to feel.

Ever since the incident three years ago, I never opened up to someone except Hyuka and Tae again. Bevor that I was shy as well, never tried to approach to someone.

My heart never experienced the thing, what people call love. I don't even know if I am able to feel this way. How did I end up here, receiving such a wonderful confession, but not being able to say it back?

I mean yes, I admit, that I like him. He is caring and lovingly, he can make my heart skip a beat, making butterflies dance in my stomach. But is this love?

I didn't even notice how tears rolled down my eyes.

Maybe this is indeed love?

But I don't want to love, I can't love. If liking someone brought me these amount of pain years ago, why should I let myself loving someone? Why should I make someone able to suffer because of me? Why should I love someone if we both will be hurt in the end anyway?

While lifting my chin up softly, forcing me to look him in the eyes, he says: "Soobs? It's okay, you don't have to cry. I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said it."

Why? Does he regret it already?

Was he lying as well?

"I should have taken things slower. I'm sorry." He adds.

But I don't understand what he means. Call me stupid if you want, but my brain isn't able to function anymore.

I only see things that happened three years ago, repeating themselves.

I get to like someone, he lies, making my heart break. Leaving me alone again.

Why do people always do this to me? Can't they see that I'm trying? I'm really giving my best, to not break down every day, to fight my tears every day and to keep on living. Why does nobody notice that I can't handle this, one more time?

Am I trapped inside this circle for forever?

No tears spill out of my eyes, when I notice that I probably felt more towards Yeonjun that I admitted, but everything was a lie from his side. I shouldn't let my hopes up in the first place. It's like it was years agon, how could I think, someone actually like me the way I am? I just feel my heart breaking into pieces. But I place a smile on my face, that doesn't shatter, not how it looks inside me, and show this to Yeonjun.

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