twenty second chapter

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Soobin's pov:

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Soobin's pov:

My still sleepy brain doesn't really comprehend what's going on, but the tears in his eyes are noticed by me directly.

"Why would you leave me", his voice breaks, when he says this sentence and I am immediately fully awake.

But before I can even asks what he means, he shows me the letter. The letter I've got sent by Kim&Kim. The letter I haven't answered yet.

"Did you spy on me?", disbelief is hearable in my voice. Why would he do that?! "Don't you trust me?"

"I trust you. Obviously too much! You have said to me, that you will never leave me, but this letter says otherwise", Yeonjun spits out these words as if he doesn't want to be associated with them anymore.

„I don't want to leave you, don't jump into your own conclusions so fast everytime. It's always the same, you don't know what I want or what I will do! Just ask me" I say, now clearly annoyed.

„Okay then, I am asking you right know. Will you take this opportunity? Will you go to Amerika to fulfill your dream? Because I know you want that. I don't have to ask you Soobin. You are my boyfriend I know you, even if you don't understand this!", his raised voice sounds more angry than sad by now.

"So you don't want me to fulfill my dream? I am sorry that some people seem to like my previous work and that I get the chance to make my dream come true. If you don't want me to just say so. I can't control the fact that you can be a singer here, but I can not be a model here.", I say, now really loosing my temper.

"You know that this is bullshit Soobin! I want you to be happy! But why can't you talk to me? Don't you trust me?", he throws back the question, I have asked him earlier, back towards me.

"Of course I trust you! I just knew you would be unhappy, so I didn't want to tell you until I am sure what to do!", I nearly shout.

"That's so -ugh! Soobin that can't be your reason! We are in a relationship since months! Do you have any other secrets I should be aware now?", he says back in a frustrated mood.

"No! And I didn't keep it a secret from you!" I shout.

"Okay, so not telling me about something this important is not keeping a secret?!", Yeonjun shouts back in disbelief, "You want to leave me and don't even tell me about it!"

"I don't want to leave you. But you don't want me to fulfil my dream!"

"I want you to be happy! And if it's without me just say so!" Yeonjun shouts and with that I turn around tears are no streaming down my face as I run out of our apartment.

I hear him call my name, but he doesn't even try to stop me from running away. I don't know where I am going, till I stand in front of the house in where the apartment of Hyuka and Tae is. I ring the doorbell and a few seconds after a very sleepy Hyuka opens the door.

"Soobin? What's -" but before he could even ask me, I just hug him.

I need a hug so badly right now. He doesn't say anything but hugs me back and let me come with him in his apartment.

It doesn't take long for Taehyun to come out from his room to us, because he has heard our footsteps and my crying.

Taehyun and Hyuka look at me so worried but they don't force me to tell me anything, they just sit here next to me, both wrapping their arms around me, trying to give me comfort.

After minutes passing by like this, I begin to tell about the letter I received and the talk with the guys from Kim&Kim in person. I tell them about how big my struggle is, how I love the life here with Yeonjun and them, but how I want to take this opportunity. I tell them about the argument, how bad it hurts when I saw Junnie crying, when he said that I wanted to leave him. I tell them everything and I hope they understand. Not only because of my constant hiccups but also because of my struggles.

When I am finally done with telling them, and I am trying to calm myself down, I feel Tae turning around slightly, so that he could see the door of the apartment even though he is sitting here with us on the couch of the open living room. Wandering why he did so, I turn around as well a bit, and see Gyu smiling at Taehyun, making a declining movement with his hands and goes iut of the door; but not before sending Tae a last flying kiss.

What is he doing here? In the middle of the night? And why is he sneaking around like this? What is the meaning behind the flying kiss? Wait- what if...?

But before I could ask Tae out of curiousity, my own problems are overhauling me again and the picture of a crying Yeonjun plops in my head.

"I can't do this. I can't loose him. I love him." I say between my raising hiccups, sobs and voice cracks.

"What do you wanna do?", Tae asks me, "I mean if your decision wouldn't depend on Yeonjun?"

"I would go", I whisper, fearing my own confidence in this statement. "But I love him, too much", I say right after.

"Why do you love him?" Hyuka asks me, real curiosity is hearable in his voice. "I don't know. I don't have a reason. I just love him so much, that it hurts everywhere when I just think about leaving him." I say without really thinking about my words.

"Loving without a reason is the strongest sort of love" Tae says, looking at me as if his own experience is speaking through him. And I nod.

I love him so much.

I can't leave him.

I can't loose him.

I have to at least try.

Or is it too late already?


helllooooo, I am sorry if there are many typos or grammar mistakes but I didn't really had the time to control everything :(

and I am sorry if you thought earlier I published this chapter but I wasn't finished yet and I tapped the wrong button lmao sorry if it confused youuuu

anyways hope you like what I wrote and I hope to see you again on Thursday

love you all

and if something is up my dms are always open <333

have a great day or night <3

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