third chapter

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Yeonjun's pov:

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Yeonjun's pov:

I didn't even notice how my body reacted in this speed, running towards him, and extending my arms, just for him to fall into them, avoiding him to touch the ground. I just remember seeing the cutest smile I've ever seen, looking like a bunny with the small upper lip and two puffy cheeks with dimples, and not to forget his rather small, glistening eyes.

I prevented him from falling.

I don't know how I ended here, in the middle of the room, with him in my arms and looking a bit dizzy in my eyes. But we are here now and everything around me goes silent, insignificant. I only look at the tall boy in my arms.

Sadly, after some time, I get back to my senses and help the boy to stand up properly. As soon as he stands in front of me and I can recognize the music again, he looks confused at me. He opens his mouth, probably wanting to question what just happened, but then his handsome face reflects the mimic of realization, and he starts blushing. "Uh-uhm I'm sorry, I d-didn't me-mean to-", he says. "It's okay!" I reassure him as fast as I can and lay my right hand on his shoulder to show him the pure meaning of my words.

He starts blushing even more, probably because of the skin contact, which I didn't intended, but I must say it looks damn cute.

"W-well, thank you. I will go with-", he looks around while saying those words, looking for somebody. "Where is he?" he mumbles, and it was nearly a wonder that I could hear what he said, remembering the loud blasting music and screaming people around us. "Who exactly are you looking for? Maybe I can help you." I offer and give him the trust worthiest smile I can afford.

He tells me about his friend "Hyuka", who I have no idea about, but then he mentions a certain "Kang Taehyun". According to the description Soobin gives me, something sounds familiar. It seems to be the guy Beomgyu is rambling about unstoppable. But I have no idea where he is or where the other one had gone. Taehyun is probably with Beomgyu because he isn't around too. I tell him, what I assume and that I have no idea where these guys are, but I don't know if he understands what I'm saying or if he even listens.

I went closer to the young man in front of me and start to comfort him by laying a hand on his back, hoping it would give him a little bit of strength. He looks so lost and scared, as if he wants to go out of here right now. "Hey, you alright, bub?" I say, without thinking twice about the nickname I used or the question I asked. I just want to make sure he's alright, I'm just concerned. Blame it on the alcohol or whatever, but right now, this boy is all I can think about.

He nods and with the circles I draw on his back softly, he gets calmer by seconds. "You want some water?" I only get a nod in return, but it's enough for me to lead him to the bar, where I get a glass of water for him.

"I'm Choi Yeonjun by the way. It's my second year here now.", I say only to create a conversation, while we're sitting on the highchairs.

"Choi Soobin. And I am a newbie", he mumbles but it doesn't matter. It was surprising enough for me, that he continued to talk in the first place, and we even had a fluent conversation not short after.

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