tageyu special (one)

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Taehyun's pov:

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Taehyun's pov:

Damn. I didn't think this through.

Why did I agree to this? I can't meet his parents. I mean, yes of course I can, I met them so often before.


It's been a month since I asked Beomgyu out - like officially. We would sneak to each other, whenever we were free since more than one year, but nothing was official and we were stuck in a state between friends and lover, just because of me. And after the cute try of Beomgyu to confess his kinda obvious feelings, when we were at a café the other day, I confessed to him instead.

His reaction was so worth it, whenever I think of it, I nearly fall in love with him even more (not that I told him yet that I am in love).

(a/n: cursive written passages are his memories :))

We were at the near café, drinking coffee and waiting for our cake to arrive, when Gyu suddenly spoke up.
"T-tae, I have to tell you something." I just nod, though I am being lost in thoughts.

Ever since the party at Johnny's in the beginning of the semester, Beomgyu and I would meet often. We would do random stuff like watching movies at the cinema or visiting a café like this. It would just come out naturally, that whenever we were alone at his apartment or mine, we would hold hands or cuddle sometimes, but I never thought about anything further than friendship, maybe with a weird feeling.

But since a few days, I can't get this boy out of my head. The desire to have him by my side, keeping him close and wanting to touch him, is nearly unbearable.

When he is not around, I catch myself searching for him, or texting him. And whenever he is near, my heart will beat so fast that I can't think properly. I started to believe that maybe, I feel more towards him than just friendship. But actually, if I am being honest, I thought about this for a while now.

I nod, telling him to speak, but at the exact moment he wants to start to talk, the cake arrives with a smiling waitress.

After she is gone, he starts again: "I-I like...", I look at him with curiosity, while his gaze goes down to his cake, "I like ...", "yes?" I want to reassure him,

"no blueberries in my ice cream cake", he says damn fast and looks down.

His voice is trembling and I can tell that this is not what he originally wanted to say, but I go with the flow and say: "Oh, I am sorry, why didn't you say something? We can switch, so you can have my chocolate cake!" he smiles a bit, sadness covering his eyes, but he accepts the cake.

After we are done, I suggest him to come to my apartment for a few hours.

When we both sat down on my couch, he still looks like a sad puppy, and I really can't stand it.

I know that he wanted to confess but he is not able to do so, so I will help him.

"Gyu?" I say, grabbing one of his hands, while I put my other hand under his chin to make him look at me.

"You look adorable when you are sad, but I prefer your cute smile, I just can't resist it." Now he looks confused: "What do you mean?" "Do you remember the party at Johnny's? When I told you I don't like it, when you are close to other people?" I let go of his chin, because I now have his full attention anyways and he nods. "Back then I didn't understand why I felt like it, or even what I felt exactly. But now I know. And I am sorry for keeping you waiting. I am sorry for not seeing it earlier and I don't even know how bad I must have hurt you, whenever I talked about our friendship. And I know you like me-" I pause, looking him straight in his eyes, seeing blush creeping on his cheeks, making him look so damn adorable. "But what I have to tell you is, that I really like you too. I can't even explain how much. And I am so sorry for not understanding it, but now I can't keep it to myself. I-I really like you, Gyu."

He smiles.

And his smile could blend my eyes by how it shines, so brightly. I love it. I love this smile and I don't understand how someone can look this adorable, so I let my body control me and lean closer to him. My one hand is still resting on top of his, while my other hand finds their way to his thigh.

He knows what I am doing and leans himself closer to me as well. It only takes a few seconds before our lips touches each other. At first we are both insecure and are moving our lips only a bit and very slowly, but after we adapted the feeling, I got more confident and kiss him with more energy. But even though, the kiss is as soft as a feather, just like his plump lips.

When we part from each other, he looks at me with his big doll eyes and I can't do anything but pull him closer to me, so that he now sits on my lap, making him let out a sound of surprise.

"Don't you want to spend the night here today?" I ask, caressing his burning cheek.

He smiles and nods, but hiding is face right after in my shoulder.

"So, are we now boyfriends?" I hear him whisper.

"Yes, darling. Yes we are."

I told you. He was just too cute. It's weird that I am still alive and can handle his cuteness. But all of this is only one month ago and now he wants to introduce me to his parents already, as his boyfriend. And I am so damn afraid.

I picked up Beomgyu, twenty minutes ago. We arrived and Gyu already pressed the doorbell.

I am anxious.

I mean yes, meeting the parents of friends is always a bit awkward for everyone. So, I am glad, that I know the parents of Gyu already.

The door opens and reveals his Mum and Dad with huge smiling faces, embracing their son in a hug and me right after.

We enter the house and I know Beomgyu will tell them about us as soon as he takes my hand in his. They will be the first one to know, because we want to tell our friends when they don't have problems themselves and my parents won't be that understanding, so we will wait for them to know.

I am really glad I know his parents already. But standing here, in front of them, in this dimmed light, as more than just a friend of their son, but his boyfriend, is totally different and terrifying.

But with him by my side, everything will be okay.

So, I rub his hand with my thumb and let him tell his parents about us.


hellooo, did you like this cute chapter?

I know this is not what you want, but I am not satisfied yet with the outcome of the twenty second chapter and I love taegyu so much, that I wanted to publish this instead so baaaad!! I wanted to let you know the story behind the two of them, I created, so maybe there will be more special chapters of them and hopefully one for hyuka as well

I hope you can forgive me and live with the cliffhanger for a little longer :( if everything goes well I am able to upload on tuesday, just as I did when I published regular 

hope you enjoyed the chapter <33

love you all lots 

let me know our thoughts in the comments and don't forget to vote <3

have a great day or night <3333

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