twenty eighth chapter

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hellooo, it's me again :) I just wanted to warn you, that this chapter will be sad, so please only read it, if you are feeling ready! and please listen to sad music <33 enjoyyyyy



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Yeonjun's pov

I am waiting on the bench we first talked.

Waiting for him.

Hoping for him.

I don't know, if he understood my message, or if he even cares.

I'm just sitting there.

The concert is over since a few minutes. I have tears in my eyes ever since. They started to form, when I performed and they came up so often after.

I knew he was going to that concert, since he loves the band so much since years. So, I prepared myself, creating a plan. But to be honest nothing could really prepare me see him again.

Nothing could prepare me to see him getting over me.

He doesn't seem healed, but he also didn't seem like he was still holding on to me. To us. I know, I don't have the right to say something like this. I was the one who told him to break up.

It's just hurting to see him already moving on, when I know I will forever hold on to him in my heart.

And there he comes. Slowly, he is approaching me. He doesn't look up at all. And if there wouldn't be nobody around here I would think, that he is just a stranger with all my secrets, going his own way.

But he isn't. He is still my Soobin.

The man I fell in love with immediately, the one that saved me in so many ways, the one that will forever be the love of my life.

And he is coming closer.

I don't know how to act, I suddenly forgot to even know how to breath.

After some minutes passed, which felt like forever, I could see the wind blow some strains out of his face, revealing his glistening eyes. His mouth is formed to a thin line. He is unsure in what to do as well.

He doesn't want to be here.

He doesn't want to be with me.

I really hate the awkwardness that's surrounding around us now, every time we meet.

"Hey" I say, but it's only a whisper, fading into the dark night.

Instead of saying it back, he sits down next to me, not looking my way, but straight forward, as if he sees my words being carried away in that direction.

But then I hear soft sobs coming from my left side. I quickly look at Soobin, seeing him trembling. My arms wrap themselves around him, before I even understand what I was doing.

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