fourteenth chapter

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Yeonjun's pov:

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Yeonjun's pov:

It's been two month now, since we got together, since I can call Soobin finally my boyfriend.

Everything went smoothly for us. And slow. We agreed on keeping it a secret for now, with no pressure from the outside, so that we could enjoy everything in the speed we want to. It's kind of funny to see that nobody cares about us and making assumptions even though we don't really hide our relationship.

I would randomly pick Soobin up from his classes, walking him home. We would randomly meet with each other, holding hands sometimes or hugging out of excitement.

Of course not everything is just rainbows and unicorns, but through the two month we got even closer. And I can't deny that every single move Soobin does, makes me fall in love with him more and more.

Just like his nose scrunching when he eats, the tongue biting when he is concentrating hard and his nervous hands searching for mine, whenever his anxiety flows over him.

Like right now. We are sitting on a table at the canteen together with Taehyun, Hyuka and Beomgyu, eating lunch. Soobin sits next to me, while Beomgyu is located on the other side of me, in front of Taehyun and next to the said male sits Hyuka. But the stares towards our table are fast to increase the more people come into the canteen. This happens from time to time, I don't know why, but there are these days, in where the whole school seems wanting to be friends with me. Not that I don't like the attention, but seeing Soobin suffer because of this, makes me want to punch in all their faces.

"So," Tae says, to lead our attention away from all these people, "I was thinking, that we could join the party Johnny is holding tonight, what do you think?" Everyone was fast to agree, while I look at Soobin, wanting to hear his opinion first, his hand still clenching on mine.

He nods hesitantly, giving me one of his beautiful smiles. "Okay, then I will pick you up at seven" Taehyun states addressing all of us, but smiling at the brown haired male in front of him. That causes Beomgyu to slightly blush.

At the moment, I want to tease Gyu about it, some girls walk towards our table, stopping beside me.

"Yeonjun-hyung, we were wondering if you attend the party at Johnny's tonight?" One of them asked. I know her, she is one of the popular girls at college, her name is Lisa, right next to her stands Yeri. I was friends with her years ago, since we went to the same school, and I remember her as a nice girl. But seeing her with this fake smile next to Lisa... it doesn't seem like her. And another girl is with them, I have never seen her before, but I clearly recognise the blush on her cheeks and how she looks down all the time, not daring to look up.

"Yes, I'm going there with my friends" I still answer looking at everyone that sits at my table.

"Okay, great! Maybe we can see each other there?" Lisa asks further. I just nod as a response, focusing on the male beside me again, that blankly stares at his food.

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