eighteenth chapter

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Soobin's pov:

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Soobin's pov:

Tomorrow it will be one year.

One year since all of this started. One year since Yeonjun asked me to be his boyfriend.

And many things changed. Or maybe not so much. The biggest change till then is happening in the moment.

We are moving in together.

We decided that it is only useful if we would search for another apartment near the university for us, since both of our apartments are pretty tiny. Of course, the one we are heading to right now, is not really big as well, but it's enough for two people. It is cute and pretty, not just a random apartment. When I first entered the room, I was welcomed with warmth as if it has waited for us. And I knew since then that this is the right one.

We already shopped everything we need to live here together.

The kitchen tools, couch, pillows, cabinets and of course a bed. Even though we got some weird looks when we went to the mall to buy all the things together and decide about what we want together, it was fun.

I was excited all the time.

Just the same as I am now.

I am excited, yes.

But I am also anxious.

What if we get on each other's nerves?

What if it won't be the same as it was before?

Or what if we fight, because we spend too much time together?

What if he gets bored of me?

On the other side, either I spend all my time in his, or he in mine apartment so it's not that much of a change anyway.

I sigh.

These thoughts really bring nothing than a headache.

"Baby, where did we want the wardrobe again?" I hear Yeonjun's voice and turn towards him.

"On that wall" I show him the direction I mean with my finger, when he and Taehyun carry the big, wood-made wardrobe.

I look around.

"That was everything!" Beomgyu, who comes through the door now, exclaims happily.

Hyuka, who arranges some boxes around, also comes to us in the living room.

"Thank you all so much!" I say, without even doubting that everything is where it belongs to.

Yeonjun walks towards me and put his arm around my waist, while nodding to show his gratitude, "Yes, thank you! There are only a few boxes left, we have to unpack!".

"I can't believe my best friend is moving in together with his boyfriend like a married couple! You all are so old" Beomgyu says exaggerated theatrical and wipes an imaginary tear under his eye.

Hyuka starts to laugh, as well as Taehyun while I just say, "Shut up!" laughing and maybe blushing a bit.

After some time of laughing and drinking some water while talking, the three other boys make their way towards their own apartments.

And now we are alone again.

The first time in our shared apartment.

We pack the last stuff out of some boxes together. Slowly the apartment begins to look like a home, like a real home. Not just an apartment, but something filled with laughs and life, with color and light, with joy and love.

"Do you want to go shower and change in something more comfortable? I will make something delicious for us to eat." Yeonjun says, still sitting on the ground, leaning against our bed with his back.

I crawl towards him, feeling the need to give him a tight hug.

"You look exhausted" I take his face between my hands, making him look towards me to see his depleted eyes fully.

He smiles at me as soon as he feels me hands touching his skin. "I'm okay, as long as you are here", he says, wrapping his arms around me.

We stay like this for a few minutes, wrapped in each other's warmth and comfort.

He then insists on making our dinner and I make my way towards our new bathroom, taking the first shower in this apartment.

After I step out of the bathroom again, feeling fresh and light now, I smell the delicious smell of homemade food. And I, of course, follow that scent.

"Hey Junie, that smells del- omg!" I whisper the last word in disbelieve.

Yeonjun turns around from the kitchen counter and looks at me, eyes shining.

Our new table is decorated with a nice white tablecloth and candles. So many candles. Not only on top of the table, but also all around in our apartment.

It looks so cozy and romantic and lovely and...

"Do you like it?" Yeonjun asks me, coming closer towards me.

I nod.

"I thought the night to our anniversary should be celebrated. Especially, if it's also the day we move in together" he adds.

I nod.

"It's beautiful!" I breath out.

"I am so happy to be with you" Yeonjun says, before softly putting his lips on top of mine. It is a kiss full of love and calmness. No rushing nor neediness.

Only love.

And so are our hearts, full of love.

And in exact same moment, in between the flickering of these many candles and with the smell of Yeonjun's cooking in the air, the apartment itself gets filled with love, our love.


hello helloooo, how are you all?

did you like the chapter? It's sort of short but I think it is pretty cute, isn't it?


i'd love to see your thoughts in the comment sections, your comments make my days so much better <33

never forget that you are loved, always <3

my dms are alway open, if you need someone to talk to anytime.

have a great day and night <3

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