final chapter

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Soobin's pov:

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Soobin's pov:

I look outside of the small window.

It's been a year. A full year in where I was gone.

And now, I return.

But at what cost?

Nothing is as it was, when I left.

And I knew it, but I didn't fully understand it yet. Because if I really would, I would have thought a hundred times more about my decision.

'Stay happy and healthy' They all said, when I was leaving. But what am I now? How did I survive this whole year?

I am still holding on to everything that is gone.

Don't get me wrong, this whole year was wonderful. I experienced so much, that I could have never, if I stayed. My career will forever be pushed by this. I have learned so much and gained so much more than just followers and new friends.

But my heart was still on the other side of the planet. This whole time it was with someone, who I left with my free will.

We called us 'friends' this whole time. We kept us updated a few times in the month, but we tried to keep our distance as best as possible. I told him once in a call, that I would understand it, if he moves on and that I would be glad for him.

And damn, it would hurt, but I would definitely be glad. I would be happy for him, if he is happy. Because I don t want to know, that he went through all of this like I did, just because of me. Just because I decided to break his heart the same way I did it to mine. I can't handle the thought, that he was hurting all this time.

I love him.

And I can't let him go.

I would probably loose myself instead of finding somebody else.

I sigh, seeing houses passing by, whole cities, countries flowing by, while I float through cotton candy clouds.

I love talking to myself, even if it's just in my head, he gets me.

At least I don't have to worry about any fans or trouble at the airport. I try to cheer myself up a bit. My management not only got me business class tickets, but also has taken care of a restricted area, so there won't be any people, when I go from the airport to the car, who aren't welcomed.

They even wanted to book a fancy hotel for me in Seoul for the time, I have no apartment. But I said I would sleep at Tae's or Hyuka's place.

They still haven't decided to whom I should come and said, they would surprise me on the airport. We called yesterday, when they told me about it and I remember how I playfully sighed at their still childish behaviour, but I also remember this tingling excitement to finally meet them again.

And there it comes up once more. This exciting feeling, the tingling inside me that tells me how much I missed them. How much I missed Seoul. And how much I missed my life back there.

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