thirty second chapter

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A few months even later:~yeonjunnie~saw the release of your newest photoshoot and damn

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A few months even later:
saw the release of your
newest photoshoot
and damn...
                                    thank youuuu
did you just
                                    how did you
I love you
                                    forever and

hellooooo, how are you all doing?

the next chapter wońt be this short and also kind of special...
it will already be the last chapter :(
It makes me sad, but also happy, because I hope I can give it a beautiful end, as you all deserve it! So please give me some time! It wońt take as long as the other breaks I promise <333

I love you all and as always: if something is up, dońt be shy to talk to me! my dms are always open <333

Have a great day or night <3

someone great // yeonbinWhere stories live. Discover now