seventh chapter

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Soobin's pov:

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Soobin's pov:

Forces turn to talents before you even notice it.

I believe that most of your talents are created, because you must be able to do it, in case you want to survive.

I, in my case, am a specialist of hiding. It's nearly like I am invisible most of the time to most of the people. And I did not choose to have this talent, but it was a blessing when I was capable of it.

What people don't see, isn't making them angry. If they don't see you, they are not able to judge, not able to hurt you. They won't bother you, whether with mocking questions nor with hurtful comments. No rumors will spread around, creating a world of whispers and lies, in where you are the creepiest and weirdest person.

I specified this ability, till this day, so no one would ever see me.

But he saw me. At the party, he looked at me from time to time. After the party he brought me home, even wrote me a sticky note. And when we met randomly after, he invited me to not only a coffee but also to dinner with our friends.

If you wonder, I'm looking at him right now, sitting a few tables apart from me in the canteen. He's surrounded not only by his friends, but also a crowd of looks.

He is popular, you don't even have to guess. And it's understandable judging by his looks and the videos he posted on Instagram (which I only saw, because I had to do some research, I swear!) with little snipples of songs he might or might not publish in the future. And no one can argue with the fact that his voice is angelic, and so multifaceted. It can be deep and rusty at times, but also high and sweet like honey. It seems like he can do everything he wants, expressing every feeling he wants, with his voice.

But it surprised me, nonetheless. He acted so sweet, so caring, not like he had the whole campus wrapped around his fingers. Of course, his looks told me from the beginning that he must be kinda popular, but I denied it. Maybe I just didn't want it to be true. I didn't want him to be popular, to be this different from me.

I hide from all those looks, while he craves after them. I'm afraid of attention, whereas he is the center of it. I'm just a lame, uninteresting nerd, but he is the star of his own world and many others. Whatever the hopes, that were still forming in my head, wanted to be true, it will never happen. They shattered, before they could even grow.

Sighing, I turn to my two best friends, who are happily chatting about their classes they had before or any other unimportant stuff, but their smiles make me feel better, nevertheless. I start smiling as well and try to understand what they are talking about.

"... so, you basically know him, since you were born?" Hyuka asks Taehyun, who now isn't smiling anymore but keeps his straight face while nodding and answering: "Yes, his family and my family are friends, so it was natural for us to become close. But I only found out, that he goes to the same college as me at the party the other day."

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