ninth chapter

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hey, short song suggestion: zero o'clock - bts

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hey, short song suggestion: zero o'clock - bts

I heard it while writing, and I think it really fits so feel free to listen to it, if you want ^^


Soobin's pov:

It's been nearly a month since this conversation, where we sat on that bench, talked, and calmed down. We met often in the meantime, random after classes or during breaks, or sometimes to talk again, only enjoying each other's presences. It became a habit, that we call each other at random times, when one of us feels lonely. Neither of us says these words out loud and there is no need to either, but we feel at ease when we hear the voice of the other and are lonely together.

Something in his gaze changed since then.

I can't describe it. But believe me, it did.

It's nearly the middle of the night by now, and I'm still sitting on this couch, watching some uninteresting movie. But it's different from every other day.

Normally, I would wonder how the world spins further and further, when it feels like the time stopped. I would wonder why I feel dizzy, not tired and still am able to see the clock. I would reflect on my day, rethink every decision, asking myself if all was my fault, if anyone is disappointed by me. I would be sad for no reason, would feel heavy and miserable. I would slowly watch the clock turn zero o'clock.

But today it's different even though I look at the clock right now, maybe because I'm not alone, maybe because of this random movie and maybe- just maybe- because of the boy who has his arm wrapped around my shoulder. I can feel his steady breath right beside me. I see the three younger ones, lying slightly apart from each other. But my focus is on Yeonjun's hand which is caressing my arm slightly and his other hand, that searches for mine. He shares all his warmth with me. I don't feel dizzy, I don't feel heavy and I, to my own surprise, don't feel sad.

At the beginning of this night, when we all gathered together and decided the movie we want to watch, Yeonjun placed himself beside me. But we kept our normal distance, close enough to feel each other's presence but far away to not touch each other. But through the time I catch myself taking glances at him again and again. I couldn't concentrate on the show playing in front of me at all (maybe that's why I think it's so boring). The only thought in my head was his presence.

I felt the urge to touch his fingers.

So, I slowly moved my left hand, which was laying on my legs, tensed like my whole body, towards his right one. They were only centimeters apart, but it seemed like worlds. I needed hours to come closer to his hand. Focused on being inconspicuous, I took a deep breath, look at our fingers and closed the last gap, making our pinkies brush against each other softly.

Feeling an instant regret growing inside me, I pulled my hand away and looked forwards, abruptly. My breath hitched and my heart started to beat incredibly fast.

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