twenty sixth chapter

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Soobin's pov:

Everything hurts. I can't even open my eyes, I just feel the soft mattress under my heavy feeling body. The light that comes through my window, wants me to open my eyes, so I give it a try.

And it hurts.

And with that I don't mean my eyes, because the sun shines way too much, nor my arms or legs that hurt, no. I mean the memories that are slowly coming back.

My "That's it?" echoes through my mind, while I rethink the whole conversation I had – with him.

And what I did after that? I can't even remember half of it. I drunk, that's a fact. And I danced. But everything else? I have no idea...

I just know that Tae brought me home. Very late. Probably only a few hours ago.

I rub my eyes, which is more difficult than I thought, since my arms feel like they have extra weights on.

Before I can capture a clear thought, it needs a few more minutes, in where I make myself instant ramyeon. After that I pull myself together, trying to forget everything under the shower.

But it's hard. Everything reminds me of him. Every single move I do makes me miss him.

And it hurts so damn much, that I can't even describe how empty I feel.

I had hope, I really had.

But after the fight yesterday, nothing will make it okay again.

Hueningi and Tae are still asleep, so I write them a little message on a note, that I will go to the library. And even that forces my mind to think about Yeonjun and his little message he left on the day we first met.

Damn, why does it hurt so much more now?

I step out of the door and make my way to the library, feeling like it was more than a dream than real life. Every step I do, I do automatically, not because I can think to do it. It just happens. My body just tries to act normal.

(a/n: The following is the same as the first chapter, as it was kinda a prologue and functions as an outlook. You can skip that if you still remember it, I just didn't want you to must scroll back :) )

Wandering through the shelves of the library always brought me some sort of calmness and comfort. It used to give me the feeling of safety. Looking at all the different books always told me, that I could escape from my reality, doesn't matter how cruel it seemed, anytime and I could flee in a fantasy world full of conflicts I could blame others for and happiness I could make to my own.

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