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Sometimes the worst place you can be is in your head and in your thoughts. The mind could play the worst, and at a sudden various kinds of thoughts, more specifically negative thoughts, could take your breath away from you. Specially when you are aware what misery had happened with the person and the most worst situation is you are not present near them. You are so eager to meet the one, you are so eager to look at them safe, to witness them waiting for you too.!

Lakshman pushed the door to open it wide and the very first person his eyes falls on was Urmila who was wiping her tears while resting on Sunaina's lap but now got up from her sleeping position hurriedly, to look at him.

URMILA- Laksh..

He heard her whispered voice and at that moment a heavy breath exhaled out of his mouth. It seems that from past few hours he has paused his uneven breathes and now when he got to witness her alright, he has taken a relief sigh. Without thinking much Lakshman runs towards Urmila, got down on the bed and both of them wraps each other in a tight hug. Their fast pumping heartbeats now got agreed to calm down as Lakshman and Urmila has each other's hold. Meanwhile, the ladies around the room keep on looking at them with their moist eyes.

When Urmila narrated whatever Indrajeet behaved with her to Bharat and Shatrughan, both the boys brought her inside the house only to receive n number of questions from everyone. Witnessing the baffled and scared Urmila, the ladies specially, got hell out of scare and wanted to know what exactly had happened with her. It's then, when Shatrughan told them everything after which each one of them had their own reaction. Dashrath along with Kushal felt angry, while Kranti and Sumitra got afraid. Manvi and Shruti were dumbstruck with the sudden incident with their sister. And the two people who's condition was unimaginable is Janak and Sunaina, what else these two has to witness for their daughters.!? Since then, the ladies has taken Urmila to her room, made her to change her wet clothes and tried to make her feel better, though everyone understands it's really difficult for her to get normalise in a blink. Still, sleeping on the lap of her mother and while having a caressing touch from Sunaina, Urmila felt slightly better and calmed down. And since then, she was waiting for that person who will be able to make her feel completely better, in who's embrace she will not feel uncomfortable and she will be able to cry her miseries to get herself relaxed- her husband Lakshman.

Sumitra wipes her tears and turns to look at Sunaina who was sitting beside the two, Lakshman and Urmila, while staring them with her teary eyes. After which Sumitra turns to look at other ladies that is Kranti, Chandra, Manvi and Shruti, all were standing at a distance from each other and are still wiping their tears. She started moving towards Manvi and placed her hand on her shoulder, to bring her back from the shocked state.

SUMITRA- Manvi..

Sumitra calls her in a low voice and Manvi blinks her eyes for once after which she turns to look at Sumitra. She actioned Manvi through her eyes, asking her that they should leave the room and Manvi nods her head lightly in agreement. Manvi moves towards Sunaina and made her to get up on her feet.

MANVI- chaliye taiji..

The ladies started leaving from the room, just to allow Lakshman and Urmila to have some time with each other. Sumitra paused at the entrance and turns to look at the two of them, who were still having each other in their hold, for which she took the hold of the door and closed it behind her.

Lakshman keep on caressing her back, to calm her nervousness and whatever feeling Urmila is feeling at that time. While Urmila closed her eyes as tightly as she could and holds Lakshman tightly in her hold. Lakshman could easily guess what she must be going through, she is scared for sure and that fear could witness from her shivering touch. Lakshman keep on patting her back for sometime, after which he placed his hand on the back of her head and caresses her hair lightly. He closed his eyes and whatever happened within sometime got flashbacked into his mind. He remembers the sudden phone call from Shatrughan, at that time Lakshman was with Ram and everyone were discussing whatever Angad was narrating about the Raghvan Villa and whatever he has noted. At first Lakshman wanted to disconnect the call, but then understanding the present situation he didn't took any risk and answered the call from his younger brother. When Shatrughan told him about Indrajeet's dare and his misbehavior with Urmila, Lakshman felt an unusual feeling at that particular moment. He didn't think anything, he didn't got any thoughts into his mind, his mind went blank and the only thing, person, came into his mind was Urmila. He so much wanted to look at her, he wanted to see her anyhow and hence with Ram's consent, Lakshman decided to fly back to Mumbai to check at her.

BOOK 2 "𝐻𝑢𝑚 𝑆𝑎𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝑆𝑎𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝐻𝑎𝑖․!" 𝐴 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦Where stories live. Discover now