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Siya's eyes filled with tears, tears of being overwhelmed to hear her mother from the other side of the call. She is in her room, standing near the balcony railing while speaking with Sunaina. 

After unfolding the news to the family, the girls were the ones to inform Rajrishis about Siya's pregnancy. At first, Janak could not believe this happiness, he was that happily shocked with this sudden excitement. He is the one who in every situation stays calm and composed, but this time he is the one who is shivering in this excitement. Whereas on the other hand, Sunaina who usually is expressive through her emotions in every situation seems to be all calm and overwhelmed. It seems that she was already aware about this and was just waiting for the confirmation. And anyway Sunaina was the one to suggest Siya for a test, so having a single doubt is obvious. 

So after revealing the news to the Rajrishis, Siya took the call in her hold now talking with her parents in alone. 

SUNAINA- I was already aware about this. I am your mother and that's why I could sense whatever is there with you.

Siya smile in between her tears, with her kerchief she wipes those tears and nose one by one. 

Ever since she has revealed the news to Ram, she is being crying with those happy tears and hence Urmila teases her to keep handkerchief or tissue with her for the whole day. 

SIYA- I know maa, and now I could understand this feeling too.

Sunaina got a proud and relieved smile on her face. What else can make a mother happy, than looking at her daughter stepping as a mother herself.! 

SUNAINA- how you are feeling.?

Sunaina's question made Siya to close her eyes and she inhale a deep breath, a breath of fresh air. 

SIYA- it feels my life is starting anew. 

Siya opens her moist eyes and her smile widen, after which both the ladies went silent for sometime.

SUNAINA- this is a start Siya, from now onwards your everything will be dependent on that bundle of joy who will take birth from your womb. 

Siya's hand automatically traveled to her womb and she caresses it softly. She have started feeling the inner connection with that tiny dot inside her. She has already started developing that bond with her baby who is still in the form of embryo. 

SUNAINA- you are a daughter, you are a wife and now you'll be a mother which will complete you as a woman.

Siya nods her head positively, she knows about her development as a woman which has already started with her. 

SIYA- I miss you maa.

Siya whispered while downcasting her head and Sunaina smile with a shook of disbelief. 

SUNAINA- we are going to meet soon. Delhi aarahe ho na tum log, tab.

Siya hum a little and went silent again. Meanwhile, Sunaina looks at Janak who has came near her and got down beside her on the couch.

SUNAINA- papa se baat karo.

Siya quickly wipes her tears and Sunaina forwards the phone to Janak. 

BOOK 2 "𝐻𝑢𝑚 𝑆𝑎𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝑆𝑎𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝐻𝑎𝑖․!" 𝐴 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦Where stories live. Discover now