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Ram opens the door of their room and pulls Siya inside. She quietly follows him without uttering a single word as she knows Ram is not in that mood to listen anything from her. 

The terrace incident had made Ram really angry. At first he was disturbed because of something at office, and then witnessing Siya like that and that too when he saved her from falling, it made Ram to burst in anger. All his frustration and anger vent on Ishika at that time, though it was for Siya too. Whatever he blurted on Ishika, it's impossible for anyone to convince Ram, not even for Siya. Still she is waiting for him to calm down, atleast a bit so that she could say a word to him. 

Ram made her to sit on the bed and the next moment he went towards the side table to fetch a glass of water for Siya. Meanwhile, Siya continued looking at him, moreover at his expressions which have mixed feelings. The anxiety on his face was because of the obvious reasons, the tensed and worried expressions are for Siya's health and wellbeing, the apology was for the sudden reaction, but the unknown anger is what making Siya a bit curious. That is something unusual, that same Ram Raghuvanshi anger on his face made Siya to think about the reason now. 

RAM- hmm..

Siya's thoughts interrupts as he stood in front of her carrying a glass of water. She took the glass from him silently and without denying to have the water, quietly started gulping it. While Ram turns towards the direction of the window and in a blink started taking heavy steps towards it. He opens the window to let the fresh air to hit his face, moreover to breath the fresh air to cool his boiling nerves. He took a long breath and closed his eyes when whatever happened that day made flashbacks in his memories-

"Raghvan Lankeshwar eyed on Siya Rajrishi, way before Raghuvanshis came into picture.?..."

The same media interference in the lives of Raghuvanshis has made Ram that angry. It was the time of their important presentation call when Sumant have hit them with the same storm of news, the newspaper article which made new limelight for them. The wrong speculation on not only Raghvan, but Ram and to some extent to Siya too have made Ram that way to react. Bharat, Lakshman and Shatrughan too are aware about this and hence they are aware about Ram's current "mood" too. At that time Ram went silent, burying everything inside him he just vent his anger all of a sudden on the two girls. 

SIYA- Ram..

Siya's call made Ram to open his eyes. Everything which made a re-play inside his mind brought that nervousness back on his expressions. Still, he didn't denied to look at her. 

Siya could see the readable expressions on his face, which made her heartbeat to skip for a moment. 

SIYA- what happened.?

Her whispered voice made Ram to gulp his emotions and the next moment he took a step closer to her. 

SIYA- kuch hua hai kya.?

Asked Siya directly when she observed Ram taking her hands in his hold. He envelopes her hands in between his hands and again turns his sight to look at her. 

RAM- agar me time par nahi aata to zarur kuch ho jata.

He answered, still in his angry voice and Siya released a heavy breath of sigh. 

BOOK 2 "𝐻𝑢𝑚 𝑆𝑎𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝑆𝑎𝑎𝑡ℎ 𝐻𝑎𝑖․!" 𝐴 𝑚𝑜𝑑𝑒𝑟𝑛 𝑡𝑖𝑚𝑒 𝑠𝑡𝑜𝑟𝑦Where stories live. Discover now