Remembering the Accident

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Autumn's POV

*2007, ECAC Tournament Semifinals*

"When is this game going to be over?" Andrea, my team's captain, asks me as she swoops past my net with the puck. "As if I knew," I begin to say, but I'm cut off by a girl from the other team checking Andrea, hard, and taking away the puck. I get into position and stop the first shot she takes.

Then her teammate grabs the rebound and I feel my padding begin to slip up on my back but I don't go to fix it. The teammate passes it cross-crease to the girl who had checked Andrea. I cheat over to the side of the shooter, prepping myself to make the save. All of a sudden, she passes it cross-crease again to the other girl and I make a Domink Hasek-type desperation save.

I feel time slow down as the puck hits my spine, where my padding slid up on my back. I feel the puck hit my spine and I hear and feel a crack. I scream out in pain and rip my mask off, stopping play.

My medical trainer runs out onto the ice and comes to my aid, removing the padding from my back and lifting my jersey. By now, I cannot properly comprehend anything he is saying to me because I'm in too much pain. But after a few minutes, I feel myself being lifted onto a stretcher and taken off the ice and into an ambulance.

The last thing I saw before I blacked out in the ambulance was:

Tears streaming down Chris's face.

A/N Hey guys! Sorry I've kinda been dead for a few months. If you hadn't noticed, I changed everything! I deleted my other stories and changed my account completely. I hope to update this story more after than the last two but I can make no promises. I hope this wasn't too confusing. It will make more sense soon. But I'm going to try to put out another chapter to this tonight. Byeee

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