Chapter 31

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Autumn's POV

I wake up in Brass's apartment to him having made pancakes and waiting for me, watching cartoons. 

"Hey, thanks for the pancakes." I say, helping myself.

"You're welcome, don't know how many times I'd be able to make them for you so I thought why not." He says, smiling sadly.

I hug him and just hold him for a little until he pulls away. 

After breakfast and some cartoons, I decide to get ready. I brought up the bag that I brought with me to Boston, which had some clothes, makeup and hair stuff. 

I head into the bathroom to take a quick shower before brushing my teeth and whatnot. 

I walk down the hall into what used to be my room in just my towel and closing my door behind me. 

I put on a black bra and my ripped black skinny jeans. 

Then I realize that I don't know what top to wear.

I walk into Derick's room, bra and all, holding two shirts.

"What do I wear?" I ask him, holding the two shirts up.

One is a grey v-neck that has a black triangle on it and has "holy crap it's a triangle so hipster cant breathe ahhhhh freaking triangle". 

The other is a white muscle tank that says "5 foot something with the skinny jeans" in black.

"Let me see them on you and with whatever you're gonna wear with that." He tells me, taking a seat on his bed.

I scurry back into my room and grab my red and grey flannel, my black cardigan and my black Supras.

I go back into his room and pull the v-neck on, along with the cardigan and the Supras.

"If you're gonna wear that, side braid your hair. What's with the Supras? Have you replaced the combat boots?" He notices.

"I kinda left them at Brendan's when I flew to Montreal and I was wearing these and that's what I'm sticking with." I tell him, changing into the mucsle tank and the flannel. 

"If you're gonna wear that, do that thing where your hair is like volumized or whatever the word is." He tells me, demonstrating what he means by fluffing up my hair.

"What do you like more?" I ask him. 

"I'd say go with the tank top. You look more you in it." He tells me.

"Thanks, fashion consultant." I tell him, walking out the room.

"You're very welcome!" He yells back.

I apply some deodorant and some Axe Harmony before heating my straightener. I spray some heat protectant into my hair and once my straightener is heated, I straighten my natural waves and sealing it in with some texturizing hair spray once I finish. I tease some hair around the crown of my head, adding some volume.

I apply my regular makeup, winging my eyeliner out further than I normally would and wearing a dark plum matte lip color, not my regular natural color. 

I'm surprised no one noticed the new tattoo that graces my forearm, significantly larger and brighter than the rose that accompanies it. 

Two watercolor origami paper cranes. Reason behind it? I remember making paper cranes and water-color painting with my mom before she had passed away. Reason why there's two? She left me and Chris, the son she never had, behind, two of us.

I got this the day after I landed in Vancouver, Alex by my side when I had gotten it. It didn't really hurt, if I'm being honest. Or maybe that's just my pain tolerance talking. 

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