Chapter 28

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Autumn's POV

I honestly feel happier since I left. 

I don't know if I'm going to go back to New York though. I mean, it would be against myself to sign with a rival team but I do need a change of scene. And I also got an offer.

It's a very promising offer, though it would be slightly difficult to really adapt. I think it would be best for me to terminate my extension in New York and stay here, with Alex and Brendan.

I know there's no reason for me to decide to leave my job and my friends just for my own selfish reasons but it would end poorly if I stayed.

I mean Montreal is close enough to New York as to where I can make a weekend trip of going to visit a few friends and since the teams are in the same conference and they do play often enough as to where I would definitely have some stuff to talk about with a few of the guys and some of the WAGs.

I think I'm going to do it. I don't know if I'd be able to bring myself to go back and face everyone after I up and left and told practically no one. 

I decide to call the Montreal front office. 

I tell them that I accept their offer.

I call the Rangers front office.

I tell them that I ultimately decided to terminate my contract.

That had to have been one of the hardest things I ever had to do.

But that honestly has to be the easy part.

I need to call my dad and explain to him that I am going to be working for the Canadiens for the next 3 years, unless I leave early or get extended.

You see, my dad didn't grow up a Bruins fan. In fact, he didn't even grow up in Massachusetts at all.

He grew up out in Long Island. He was a Rangers fan and lived next door to Bill Dubinsky, Brandon Dubinsky's father for his entire life. They were great friends and even moved out to Anchorage, Alaska together, where my dad ended up meeting my mom. Since our fathers were best friends, Brandon practically became the older brother I didn't have.

My mom grew up in Salem, Massachusetts. I was actually born in Anchorage and grew up there, that was until I turned 10 or 11.

That's when my parents decided to move back to Massachusetts. We up and left the day after my 10th or 11th birthday and we moved clear across the continent and ended up in Boxford. 

That's where Chris came into the picture. He grew up across the street from me.

I will admit, I did miss Brandon a lot. Hell, I still do but I do see him every now and again, his family visits for holidays, and vice versa. I think this year, it's my family's turn to head out for Christmas and New Year's. 

Well it was, at least. 

Now that I'm working with the Canadiens, I have the Winter Classic in Boston. 

I decide to call my dad and tell him the news, leaving out everything that happened with Chris because I honestly don't want to talk about it. 

After a brief conversation with my dad, he tells me that he would give Bill a call to tell him about the schedule change.

I call Brandon and we catch up for a bit, I tell him absolutely everything. I tell him that I needed to get out of there.

"Why didn't Columbus cross your mind? It would have been easier, on you especially." Brandon breathes out.

"Bran, I didn't want to go to Columbus because I didn't want this to happen again." I tell him, simply.

The conversation goes on for a bit longer and Brandon tells me that he would visit me between training camp and preseason whenever he could and I told him likewise.

"It was great talking to you again, A. It really was." Brandon says before we hang up.

"I honestly thought you forgot about me." I laugh.

"You honestly thought that, didn't you?" He chuckles back. 

We finally hang up and I decide to hop onto my laptop and look around at apartments in Montreal or in the general area.

I told Alex and Brendan that they're gonna be seeing a lot more of me around because I signed. I also told them that I'm staying on my own and living in my own apartment.

What I didn't tell them, however, was that I was going to get a head start on that process by flying to Montreal within the next few days to look at the apartments that I got a showing for. Once I figure out where I'm definitely going to be staying, I'm going to personally go back to New York, alone, to get my stuff from the old apartment and say goodbye.

I can't believe I'm going to do this but I know I need to. 

This going to be the toughest thing I've ever had to do.

But it needs to be done.

Here it goes.

A/N Hey guys! There's only a few chapters left, can you guys give me title ideas for the sequel? Oh yeah, there WILL be a sequel. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please leave your feedback down below in the form of votes or comments or both and I'll see you next time! Byeeeee

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