Chapter 9

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Chris's POV

After close to 5 hours of driving from Manhattan to our hometown of Boxford, MA. The drive there was silent. The only sound in the car was some small chatter like "where's the charger?" or "do you need me to pay the toll?" and stuff like that and Autumn's "Punk Goes Pop" albums playing from the radio.

At around the 3 and a half hour mark, she must have noticed that I was getting a little bit uneasy, but who wouldn't be if they were in this position. I notice that she was trying to stay strong, for me, but kind of letting a little bit of emotion slip past her accidentally. A few tears slide down her cheeks but she catches them very quickly.

I grab her hand and place our hands on the center console, close to the gear shift in case I need to shift gears. I squeeze it, remaining silent. She squeezes back and looks over at me, which I see through the corner of my eye. I look over at her for a second then shift my gaze back to the open road ahead of me.

As soon as we get to our hometown, we quickly weave our way to the nearest Dunkin Donuts drive-thru. We need to recharge ourselves for the very.... eventful few hours ahead of us. Once we have our orders, we switch places, meaning she takes over driving and I just lounge the passenger seat for a solid half hour.

We get to the hospital and neither of us know what to expect. I, personally, am expecting the worst. I'm not sure about Autumn but if the hospital wasn't releasing any information, it must be bad.

We park the car and then walk into the hospital, throwing away our empty cups. "Kreider and Sanders?" I ask the lady behind the desk. I have known this lady for as long as I have been playing hockey because she was always here when I got hurt and stuff.

"Hey guys! Chris, your dad is in room 427. Autumn, your dad is in the same room" she says. We thank her and begin to walk down the long hallway to the elevators. After pressing the button, I feel a cold hand grab mine. I look to my side to see that Autumn looks sickly pale. She looks at me with a look that I haven't seen since the accident. I wrap my arms around her small frame and hold her in front of me, her back pressed to my chest. I lean down and plant a reassuring kiss to the top of her head.

I try to tell her everything will be alright but when I opened my mouth, nothing came out. I lean down to her again and begin humming a song into her ear. I'm humming "Ships in the Night" into her ear as soon as the elevator doors open. It's empty. We press the button for the 4th floor and wait.

We get up to the fourth floor and wallk down the hall, greeting some of the doctors that we know along the way. We stop in front of the room, to gather ourselves. With hands interlocked, we step into the room.

We seem to step straight into the mouth of the unknown.

A/N Hey guys! Last night was a big win and I didn't want to update this story last night because I was exhausted. So now you have a chapter up! Leave some feedback and stuff! Thanks!

They Can't Tell Us Anything |C. Kreider|Where stories live. Discover now