Chapter 32

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Autumn's POV

I left before Brass even woke up.

I couldn't face him because I know I would want to stay. 

I left him a note on the counter. 

It said my goodbyes and told him everything I wanted to tell him. 

I left at around 8am, way before he would've woken up otherwise.

I start my car, noticing that something is on my windshield.

I step out of my car to see that Chris had put the photostrip under my windshield wiper, along with a note that reads: 

Have fun in Montreal, Autumn. Don't forget me. :)

I took that into the car with me and set that in the glove compartment. I start driving.

I just drive, the music very at a very low volume in the background.

I get to the apartment building that I am going to be living in unless something changes. 

Alex and Brendan had offered to help me unpack and things but I turned their offer down.

I needed to do this on my own.

A few hours of unpacking and situating my already furnished apartment, I realize that I should probably eat something, as the last time I've eaten was at 7:30am and it's now 6pm.

I give Alex and Brendan a call, seeing if they wanted to get some dinner, which they agree to.

A few minutes later, I get a knock on the door. 

Opening it, I see two rain-soaked hockey players that go by the names of Alex and Brendan carrying a pizza box.

We eat the pizza, nothing much becoming of that.

Time passes, they leave and I'm on my own again.

And I'm so okay with that.

And I'm so okay with starting again.

I hang the two pictures that the guys gave me before I had left. 

I also pin the photostrip and the note from Chris on my mirror.

"I can never forget you," I whisper to myself as I push the thumb tack through into the dry wall, securing the last thing to my mirror's frame.

I'll never forget.

A/N HEY GUYS THATS IT! I want to thank you guys for reading and following along with this story as long as you have been and that you've gotten me to where I am. Thank you :) There will be a bit of a break between this and the sequel, only because I'm started school again and I have other stories to work on. But there will definitely be a sequel. I have an idea already, I just need to figure out where exactly I want to go with it. But I guess I'm saying this for the last time for this story. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please leave your feedback down below in the form of votes or comments or both and I'll see you in the sequel! Byeeee

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