Chapter 6

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Chris's POV

I'm confused as to how I haven't fully recognized her beauty until now. I think I may just been stuck in a haze the whole time I was with Grace. But now it's too late, isn't it? I'm pretty sure she likes Derick because he is always there for her when I can't be.

Why I think this, you ask? Well when he pulled her back to lean against his chest, she leaned back and he nuzzled his head into the crook of her neck and mumbled something in her ear which I didn't catch.

Those two are constantly with each other and I don't understand why I've been so oblivious to this the whole time. If only I hadn't been so blind.

I'm shaken from my thoughts as Brass is poking my arm, around Autumn who is sitting in his lap.

"Woah man, what did you say? I wasn't paying attention," I ask Brass. At this point, Autumn had excused herself to grab a water and two advil for the headache that she knew I would have in a little while.

"I asked you if you liked Autumn, you've never been like this around her before," he asks me. Do I like Autumn? God dammit, I do. I really do. But I can't tell him that. I don't know if there's anything going on between them.

"Hello? Earth to Kreider?" I see Brass waving his hand in front of my face. "Why do you want to know?" I ask him, not even looking at him, but past him at the wall behind him.

"I just want you to be happy. You've never acted like this around her ever. Well for as long as I've known you and her. I don't want to sound like an ass but I don't want you to use her as a rebound and break up with her as soon as you're over Grace. I know you would never but I want to make sure. And I know you're gonna ask, there's nothing going on between me and Autumn. No one on the team believes it though but there's really nothing and we both decided that we would be just friends," he says, looking directly at me and waiting for a response.

I nod and feel my eyes begin to burn a little, and lip begins to quiver. But I quickly regain my composure as I see and hear Autumn walk back into the room. My eyes follow her as she gracefully walks over to hand me the water and advil. I thank her silently with a smile. She walks back to Brass and sits back down with him on the floor. She never leaves my gaze, despite what she does. She could be just sitting there on her phone and I would never let her leave my gaze.

I think I love her. She cannot know.

A/N Hey guys! Sorry I didn't update yesterday or the day before (I'm acknowledging you, Alyssa <3) I had stuff going on. Personal stuff. But I'm back with ANOTHER chapter in Chris's POV. I promise I'm gonna go back to Autumn's POV soon enough. But yeah so some feedback would be cool. Like comment and tell me if there's anything you want to see or if you want to be a character, I'm cool with that. And please PLEASE vote. It would be amazing because the more votes this gets, the more reads it would get. And if any of you guys are writing any stories, could you shout me out? I'll shout you out in return if you do. As always, I hope you enjoyed it and stuff. Bye (for now)!

They Can't Tell Us Anything |C. Kreider|Where stories live. Discover now