Chapter 21

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Autumn's POV

Chris is not going to be in a good mood when he gets home because he just found out that his best friend was traded across the continent. I don't want to get in the middle of that because I don't know if he's going to be angry or sad or something else.

I get a text from Chris's mother's phone, telling me that he is going to stay there for a few days before driving back down to see Cam before he leaves.

I understand.

A few hours later, I get a call from Erica, who is in hysterics. 

"Wait, calm down, what happened?" I ask her, confused.

"Carl was traded across the country. We are leaving in two weeks." She says, obviously hurting.

A tear slides down my face, Hags was my best friend and was always there for me when Chris was ignoring me and when I had no one. Who is going to be that friend that fills the void when he's gone?

I offer to help them move, to which she accepts, not knowing the next time that she is going to see me.

I go into my room and call up Emerson, the guy Carl was traded to get, to greet him to the team. He answers and thanks me for doing that, he seems like a nice kid. 

I go into my room and text Chris, asking how he was doing.

I didn't get an answer from him,so I take that he is doing one of two things. One being that he is emotional and the other thing being sleeping it away.

I can't do that now, I need to be strong for him. 

I make myself some Ramen and eat that for dinner before getting into my forest green Range Rover and driving for what seemed like hours just to clear my mind. 

I normally drive around in times like this, something about it calms me down. It just helps get everything out of my mind and clear my head. 

I get another notification, learning that we had also acquired Antti Raanta from the Blackhawks, someone that I knew would help on the netminding situation.

I pull over and call him as well but we have a longer conversation, just about random stuff.

I have a feeling that he would be able to fill part of that void Hags and Cam are leaving behind. 

We just talk for a little while until I decide to head back to the house. I tell him that I'm gonna be driving and that I'll talk to him later and he said that was fine. 

I drive back and just hang around the house, periodically checking in on Derick, Mats, Erica, Kelly, Carl, Cam to see if they were okay. I also periodically asked Chris's mom how Chris was doing. 

Putting everyone ahead of me, that's always what I do and I know it's not healthy but that's how I am.

That's how I've been since the accident where I lost reason to really check in on myself and see how I'm doing. 

I find myself calling Antti again, this time to get my mind off of everything and learn more about him and stuff. 

Turns out that he knew a few of my former teammates back when I used to play, so he knew everything that happened. I tell him that it's not something that you think of when you think injuries to goalies. 

It's true, though it doesn't happen very often.

Normally when people think injuries to goalies, they think groin and leg problems, sometimes shoudler problems but it's rare that someone thinks back problems, even in hockey in general.

We talk for a good hour then he says that he is going to be flying over to New York within the next 2 to 3 weeks and he asked me to help him settle in and show him around the city, what's the worst that could happen? We hang up a few minutes after that.

I feel myself growing very tired but I do call Chris's mom, to check in on my boyfriend to see how he's doing before I do pass out. She tells me to stop worrying and to look after myself, something that I should do but I won't.

I check in on Mats and Brass, they're sad but hanging in there.

I check in on Cam and Kelly, Kelly is sad but Cam is hanging in there but accepting it, knowing that it's a business and that there is nothing he can do about it. 

I check Erica and Hags, Erica is completely broken up by it, as she is leaving her best friends too, meaning me and Nina, but Hags is accepting it but is still sad.

God, I hate trades. It's like seeing your own siblings being dealt off in whatever direction that would bring back a good outcome and not caring how it affects anyone else.

I put on a random shirt that probably belongs to Chris and curl up in bed and go to sleep.

A/N Hey guys! I'm sorry about having brought up Hags and Cam. I'm still mourning it but I'm slowly accepting it. That being said, I have mentioned that I am not sure how often I'll be updating for the next little while because I'm visiting family. So this may be the last update here for the next week or two. I hope you enjoyed the chapter and leave your feedback down below in the form of votes or comments or both and I'll see you next time! Byeeee

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