Chapter 12

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Chris's POV

It's been a solid 6 hours since Autumn agreed to try things again. I'm still elated.

Now is the time to decide what to do for a first date.

I contemplate calling up Derick but that would probably be awkward if he likes her, which I don't think he does because he supposedly has a thing for one of Hags's girlfriend's friends.

I call up Cam, my personal best friend, and ask him what the hell I should do.

After a solid hour of bickering about date ideas (and Kelly trying to get Cam to go into the other room) we decide on what I should do.

Cam comes up with the idea of adventure (which of all people, he should know that both Autumn and I love adventure).

He suggested that we should go to Coney Island and go on all the rides at Luna Park, eat and walk by the beach near sunset then finish off the day on Deno's Wonder Wheel. I find that to be the perfect idea.

That's also perfect because her back doctor has said that she can go on rollercoasters and all sorts of thrill rides now that she no longer has the rods in her back, that her fracture has been sealed with a form of cement.

So I go online and buy 135 credits for $100, not a bad deal if you ask me. Since it's like 1am, I don't call to make any sort of special arrangement, which otherwise I would try to do.

I don't plan on actually going into the water, since Autumn is still very self-conscious of her scar.

I write out a note for her, telling her to wear comfortable clothes and all that stuff and tape it to the inside of her door, since she always sleeps with the door closed.

We're going tomorrow since we aren't traveling and we don't have practice or a morning skate or a game tomorrow night.

This seems absolutely perfect since she has always wanted to go to Coney Island and for all the time that we've lived in New York, we have never went together.

Well now I hope she enjoys this tomorrow.

A/N Hey guys! Sorry about the short chapter, I'm getting my braces off today :))))))))) But I wanted to update since I didn't go to school. So that's what I did. I hope you enjoy the date idea. I came up with it since I went to Coney Island on Sunday so I was like "Why don't I make that a date?" That's literally what I asked my friend. But I hope you enjoy this chapter and no, I'm not using this idea for Off the Ice, that would be a little repetitive. I already have the idea for that. But leave your feedback as usual. Byeeeee

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