Chapter 14

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Autumn's POV

The next morning we want to sleep in but we can't because Chris and I have practice. I am at practices because I enjoy getting on the ice and skating around and doing drills with the team although I can't really play the sport in an actual game or scrimmage.

It's my turn to have to wake Chris up, we have a system of taking turns waking each other up in the morning. I don't know why, but it works.

I walk into his room and wake him up in the usual way, which is by tickling him until he responds. It doesn't take too long for him to wake up and when he does, he pulls me down by surprise and kisses my temple.

"Good morning, baby girl," he mumbles against my skin.

"Good morning, babe." I tell him, kissing his nose.

We get up and walk into the kitchen. I pour some Cookie Crunch into a bowl for myself and some Fruity Pebbles into a different bowl for Chris. I add some milk into both bowls and walk to the little "bar station" we have set up in the threshold into the living room from the kitchen. We got a guy to install a table top there and now it's know as "the bar" around the team. We also toss some barstools there to add to the effect.

I put his bowl down in front of him and kiss his shoulder quickly, to draw his attention from the television.

"Thank you, babe." He tells me before indulging in his cereal.

We devour our cereal and toss the dishes in the dishwasher before going to get ready.

We both walk into Chris's bathroom, the largest one in the apartment, and brush our teeth and do what we have to do.

We 'part ways' to change and for I to do my hair and makeup. I throw on a simple pair of sweatpants I got from BC a little while back and my Rangers warmup shirt on. I'm just gonna take whatever hoodie Chris has hanging by the door anyway.

I toss my hair up into a messy bun, that looks really good. While I'm brushing my hair, I decide that I want to dye my ends a pastel color. Random thought while I'm getting ready but I have wanted to do that for a while. I'm gonna commit to it this time.

I put on some powder, eyeliner and mascara then I'm ready to go. I tug on my maroon Nike Roshes and sit on the couch.

I'm not sitting there long before Chris walks out of his room with his hockey bag.

I walk to the door and take his navy blue hoodie off the hook. He doesn't protest because he is wearing his Rangers hoodie on anyway.

We walk down to the parking lot and drive to the training center.


Chris tells me that he wants to take me out to the team dinner tonight, to reintroduce me to the team as his girlfriend. He tells me to wear something dressy but not too fancy. I know exactly what he means.

I open my closet and grab a mint green flowy hi-wasted skirt and a black lacy-ish crop top. I also grab a black and gold belt from the rack on the back of my cloest door and my dark wash denim jacket as well.

I put this outfit on and think of ideas for jewelry. I settle on a simple gold band that sits just below my elbow on my forearm. This displays the black rose tattoo I had gotten a few days ago on my other wrist, which no one knows about yet.

I straighten my hair but make it curl out slightly at the ends. I've decided that I'm going to ask Erica, Carl Hagelin's girlfriend, to help me out with dyeing my ends a pastel color. She's going to have a say in what color would look good because she has a better sense of that than I ever will.

I decide to do a full face of makeup. I put on my foundation and do some contouring. I also do a navy smokey eye for my eye makeup. I decide against doing the whole fake eyelash thing because I have nice eyelashes as is. I text Kelly, Cam's wife, to see what I should do for a lip color. She tells me that I should do a natural color. She tells me to use my Maybelline Color Whisper in Made it Mauve, which is my regular lip color staple. I thank her for her help.

I pull on some nude heels which have a black band around my calf just above my ankle.

I check myself out once more in the mirror before grabbing an off-white bag, which I toss my phone, wallet and keys into.

Once everything is packed into my bag, I walk out of my room to see Chris waiting for me in a white button down shirt with a skinny black tie and his usual black suit pants and shoes.

"You look absolutely beautiful, sweetheart." He says, walking toward me and kissing me as soon as he gets in front of me.

"Thank you babe, are you ready?" I ask him, to which he nods in response.

We walk out of the apartment and into the elevator. Once at the lobby level, we walk toward the parking lot and get in the car to meet the team at the restaurant they decided on.

Once we have the car parked, we get out of the car and into the warm almost-summer night.

"Are you ready to meet the team in a different light?" Chris asks me as we walk down the long city block to the restaurant.

"I think I'm ready, do you think it would surprise anyone?" I ask him.

"Probably not, considering how long we have known each other— When did you get this tattoo?" He says, cutting himself off once he notices my tattoo. He lifts my arm up to get a better view of it.

"I got it sometime last week, before you ask, it didn't hurt very much but that's why I have been wearing long sleeves last week, I didn't want you to notice it." I explain.

"Was this supposed to be a surprise of sorts?" He asks, with a smirk.

"Kinda." I answer back with a smirk, matching his.

He rolls his eyes and laces our fingers back together.

"Well, here goes nothing." I mutter to myself as we walk into the restaurant.

A/N Hey guys!! I hope you enjoyed the chapter! If the freaking link works, the outfit should be above or to the side. There's not much else I have to say but leave your feedback and stuff. Byeeeeeee

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