Chapter 25

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Autumn's POV

"Hello?" I ask into my ringing phone.

"Hey, Autumn, I was wondering if we could talk about what happened at the rink. I was so out of line and I wanted to apolo-" He begins. I cut him off by saying.

"Would this be easier to talk about face to face?" 

"Yeah, that would be great. Want me to pick you up and we could hit a park?" He asks.

"That would work, how long do you need?" I ask.

"Maybe 25 minutes?" He mentions.

"Sure, see ya then." I say, hanging up.

Chris is out jogging and working out, or at least that's what the note he left on the counter for me said. 

I toss on a Nirvana muscle tank and a pair of acid wash high waisted shorts along with a red and grey plaid flannel and my signature black combat boots before straightening my naturally "do-whatever-it-wants" hair. That reminds me, I need to re-dye my ends. Or maybe dye my hair a completely different color than it's current medium ash brown.

By the time I'm done, Kevin shoots me a text telling me that he's outside. I grab a Cliff bar (A/N I actually love these things) and head down. I climb into his car and we drive, in an almost awkward silence to Bryant Park, where we would talk out what happened.

Once we arrive, we find an almost secluded area in the park that mainly had a few joggers going through every once and a while, and sit down. 

We both open our mouths to say something, then we close it.

"You first." I tell Kevin. He nods and begins.

"I'm actually so sorry about what happened, I was out of line and I knew I shouldn't have kissed you, especially right after what happened and especially with the thought in my mind that I knew you were and are dating my best friend. I don't know what I was thinking. I think I may have just thought that you needed a rebound and I thought that I could provide for it and I know I was wrong for it. I'm so sorry. I definitely over-stepped my boundaries and I'm so sorry." 

By the time he finishes, he can't even look at me, most likely in fear of rejection. I know that feeling all too well. I also know what could possibly be racing through his head. Wondering if I'm going to completely blow up on him, if I were going to never speak to him again. He can't tell and it's visibly scaring him. 

I hear someone laughing. 


"So that's what happened, hmm? I go and invite a complete puck slut over, that no one knows might I add, and you go and repay me by hanging out with my best friend and kissing him? How do I know nothing else happened, hmm? How do I fucking know? I would understand if you hooked up with some random fuck at a club, but it HAS TO FUCKING BE my best friend, doesn't it? I can't believe it." Chris says, his tone progressively getting angrier and angrier and more and more sarcastic. 

"Well excuse me, who the fuck screwed first hand? I wouldn't have had to go to Kevin if you hadn't fucked up, now would I? What the fuck did I have to repay you for? I don't remember screwing up. I was nothing but faithful while we were together! I can't fucking believe you." I answer back, standing up and walking closer to him. 

"I know I fucked up, Autumn. I'm not that fucking stupid. But I can't believe this happened. I know it's my fault. Do you think I don't fucking know?" He practically yells, stepping closer to me.

Now we were basically right in front of each other, only inches apart.

"Do you know what I can't believe, Kreider?" I ask him, barely above a whisper.

"There are many things, Autumn. What this time?" He whispers down to me.

"Why I thought extending in New York would be good for me if all it's doing is making it worse and worse." 

A/N Hey guys! Sorry the delay was long and the chapter was short. But I hope you enjoyed it and please leave your feedback down below in the form of votes or comments or both. Also if you want to, you could leave a comment about how Autumn should dye her hair, since I did mention it in the chapter. Anyway, thank you guys and I'll see you next time. Byeeee

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