My World is Turned Upside-Down

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Autumn's POV

*2007, Hospital*

I wake up and feel that someone is holding my hand. I open my eyes, slowly, to see a very shaken-up Chris. I squeeze his hand to give him the signal that I woke up.
"Oh my God, Autumn," he says while standing up and hugging me (or trying to).
"What the hell happened?" I ask, quietly.
He explains what happened and, as if on cue, the doctor walks in as soon as he finishes.
"Well, I'm glad to see that you're awake, Autumn," he begins to say. "Will I ever be able to play hockey again?" I rudely cut him off. "Well Autumn, you must understand that a fractured vertebrae is not something to be taken lightly and as of right now, your family as no interest in placing you back into the sport at this time," the doctor says.
He begins saying other useless crap, but I don't understand what he is saying.
I will never be able to play hockey again.
I hear the doctor leave the room and I break down in tears. Chris doesn't say anything, he just lays down next to me and holds me and allows me to cry until I fall asleep.

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