Chapter 5

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Chris's POV

I throw off my shirt and put away the cake. I sit back down on the couch and silently begin to cry. Not only did today end one of the best things that has ever happened to me but it made me realize that my happiness cost my friendship with people I have been close to before Grace and I got serious.

Now I realize why Autumn always went out when I was with Grace, whether it be at the apartment or if we went on a date. Hell, she also stayed at Step's place if Grace and I went out after a game. I'm guessing she really saw straight through her lies. And how could I have been so stupid?

Autumn has told me that Grace changed but I never listened to her. Oh God, I should have. I really should have. Maybe I wouldn't be as broken as I am.

I try to push these thoughts out of my mind and I realize that I should get something to drink.

I walk into the kitchen and see a post-it on the counter.

Chris, I went out skating with Derick. If I'm not back by around 10pm, and you got no calls from Cam or anyone asking where I am, assume I'm staying over at Brass's or Step's. See ya later/tomorrow -Autumn

She always did this. I only realized this now. I walk to the fridge and open it up. I quickly choose between a beer and a Dr Pepper. I grab the beer and walk back to the couch. I crack it open and let the liquid slide down my throat. I'm not a bad drinker, in fact, I rarely drink heavy. I only have a beer or two when I'm like this.

I start rapping along with the song that is blaring through the apartment while laying down one the couch. I'm still a little bit teary.

I hear keys jingle and the lock click. I look at the clock, it was only 4:30pm. Autumn shouldn't be back, should she?

The door opens and two sets of footsteps walk into the apartment. I hear someone kick off their shoes. The only person that regularly does that is Brass. What is he doing here?

I hear someone take a deep breath and the kitchen door squeaks open. I look over and see Derick and Autumn standing in the doorway. The two look at each other and mouth something to each other.

Autumn walks over to me and kneels down by the side of the couch that my head was on. "I heard what happened, Chris. I know it's my fault. She wouldn't have left you if I hadn't taken this job. I didn't care because she made you so happy, Chris. She made you so happy and I heard her talking to someone in the parking lot and—-" I press a finger to her lips, cutting her off. "I know she was cheating on me, Aut. I knew it, I should've listened to you." I say, my voice hoarse and scratchy.

Derick walks over and sits behind Autumn on the floor. He pulls her back to lean against his chest. God, he's a better friend to her than I have been since she came back.

She leans toward me to wipe a tear away, which I didn't know was falling.

I catch her hand and hold it close to me. "Thank you," I say, rubbing my thumb over her knuckles.

I'm mindlessly playing with her hand, comparing her hand size to mine. Her small, delicate, soft hands compared to my large, rough, calloused hands. God, what have I been missing all this time?

They Can't Tell Us Anything |C. Kreider|Where stories live. Discover now