Chapter 3

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Autumn's POV

I plug in my headphones and put my music on shuffle. The first song that comes on is "Touch" by Troye Sivan. I love this song.

As the elevator doors open, I feel that someone else is standing next to me. I look over and see Grace standing there. I pretend I don't see her and step into the elevator and press the lobby button and the door close button.

I walk out to Derick's car once I'm at the lobby. He seems distracted so I'm gonna freak him out a little. I walk away from the car and (I won't damage the car because I'm so small) start running at it from Derick's side. Once I'm close to the car, I slide over the hood and open my door and sit down as if nothing happened.

"Okay, what the hell was that?" Brass says, slightly horrified. "Oh yes, nice to see you too," I say back, sarcastically. I spot Grace walking to her car as he and I are pulling of our spot.

"Wait, don't drive. That's Grace," I tell Brass in a whisper, that is kinda unnecessary because we have the windows up. He slowly rolls down the window on my side, as she is parked over there apparently.

"Oh yeah, I finally broke up with him. We can finally be together, without having to hide anymore!" I hear her say. I look over at Brass, wide eyed. He rolls up the window again and says, "We should probably skip the skating today and check on Chris."

I nod in agreement and I reach for the door, when my arm is stopped by Derick. "Do you want her to see that you heard everything?" he asks, in a harsher tone. "You're right, I should wait," I say.

And so we wait. She finally pulls out of the parking lot 15 minutes later. And as soon as she's out, Derick and I get out of the car and walk to the lobby.

We don't wait long for the elevator, as the door open to an empty elevator as soon as we press the button to our floor. As soon as we get upstairs, I grab my key and unlock the door.

I expect the worst.

They Can't Tell Us Anything |C. Kreider|Where stories live. Discover now