Chapter 7

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Autumn's POV

I lean back into Derick, who whispers into my ear, "I'm pretty sure I'm gonna go. He needs you now." I nod in understanding as he stands up.

He ruffles Chris's hair as he walks past him, telling him a quiet goodbye. He grabs a water from the fridge, gathers his things and leaves.

As soon as I hear the door shut, I sit down at Chris's feet on the end of the couch. "Chris, I think you should lie down in your bed, don't you think?" I question him, grabbing his hand and rubbing his knuckles. He nods and stands up, taking me with him.

We walk to his bedroom, which is around the same size as mine. He walks straight to his bed and once he is situated, I begin to walk away.

He grabs my hand again just before I'm out of reach. "Yes?" I ask, looking back at him.

"Stay with me?" he asks, looking at me with his patented puppy dog eyes. "Of course," I walk back to the bed as he pats the space in front of him.

"Can I change into comfier clothes first?" I ask, still standing.

"Just take one of my shirts out of the drawer, it should cover everything needed," he tells me while pulling the covers over his face.

I walk over to his dresser and open the shirt drawer. I look over my options before deciding on one of his old Boston College t shirts.

I look back to see whether or not Chris is looking, which he isn't, and strip down. After the outfit is off of me, I fold it and put it on Chris's desk. I throw the shirt on and look around his room for makeup remover wipes, which he had for Grace.

I spot them and grab one, removing my makeup. Then I walk past a mirror and lift the back of my shirt, exposing the scar from my back surgery.

"Come back," Chris says, dragging out the k. "Don't look at the scar. And by the way, cute panties." He says very, very smugly. I look down and realize that I was wearing a red and black lace thong from VS. Oops.

I blush lightly and walk back to the bed. He lifts the covers and I slide in next to him. I'm facing him as he wraps his arms around my small frame. I mold into his larger frame.

He rolls onto his back, getting more comfortable. I cuddle into his side, resting my head on his chest, listening to his heartbeat.

He puts his arm around me and begins to rub my arm. "What would I do without you, Autumn? I mean, I would not have really made it as far as I did without your support. Before you begin to protest, hear me out. If you had never suffered that career-ending injury, I don't think you would have been there for me as often as you were pre-draft. I would not have been drafted as high over-all as I was without you. I literally owe my career to you," he says, leaving his hand to rest on the joint of my elbow.

Tears, of happiness, begin to well up in my eyes. "Chris-" I begin to say, but I am cut off by him placing a finger to my lips.

"Shhhh, don't talk. I want to try something, but you need to trust me," he says while sliding himself down the bed to be eye level to me.

I nod, unsure of what I was getting myself into.

He leans toward me, as I do the same. He pulls me closer to him using one arm, using the other to prop himself up. I melt into his touch and feel myself being pulled to meet him. We rest our foreheads together and then, all in one swift motion, he connects our lips.

In that moment, I realized what I had been missing all this time.

A/N Hey guys! I hope you enjoyed this, I wrote it on my phone so it's not amazing but could certainly be worse. Give me some feedback and I want to thank princefilip for being amazing and active and stuff <3. But please be active. See ya!

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