Chapter 13

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Autumn's POV

I walk to the door to open it but I see a note.

In Chris's handwriting, I read that we are going to Coney Island today and to wear comfortable stuff and have whatever I need in a bag.

I walk into the kitchen and upon opening my door, I smell Chris making breakfast foods.

My suspicions are proven correct when I see my shirtless boyfriend standing over the stove, flipping blueberry pancakes (my favorite).

I walk behind him and wrap my arms around his torso, snuggling my head into his back.

"Good morning, babe," I say, literally into his muscular back.

He turns around after turning off the stove and wraps his arms around me too.

"Good morning. sweetheart," he says with a stupid smirk on his face.

I lean up on my tippy toes to try to kiss him. He must have noticed my struggles, as he wraps his arms around my waist, lifts me up and seats me on the island. Once we are somewhat eye-level, he leans in and places his lips on mine. I, instinctively, wrap my arms around his neck and deepen the kiss. He dips me back, slightly, as my hands tangle in his hair.

After about a moment, the utter human need for oxygen got in the way. Chris pulled back and presses a quick kiss to the space between my eyebrows.

"I could get used to that," he says, with a smirk on his face. "Plus I'm not sure if I've ever mentioned how amazing you look in my clothes."

I realize that I am wearing an old BC shirt of his.

"Blueberry pancakes?" I ask him, hopping off the island and sitting on a bar stool.

He nods and walks over with the two plates filled with pancakes.

I was about to open my mouth to ask for the whipped cream but I shut it as soon as he goes back to the fridge to grab it.

"God, you know me so well," I tell him as he sits down next to me.

"Well I have known you for over 10 years, sweetheart. I would hope I do," he says, pressing a kiss on my cheek.

I laugh and we finish breakfast.

I walk upstairs to get ready.

I brush my teeth and my hair and do the regular getting-ready thing.

I decide against makeup because I'm just going to be on a bunch of roller coasters.

I throw on a white top that says "BILLIONS OF STARS" on it in silver writing. I put on a pair of thin black leggings with a pair of distressed light wash denim shorts. I put on a red,black and grey flannel over that. For shoes, I put on a pair of all-black Vans.

I grab a Rangers string bag and put in a red zip-up hoodie I had stolen from Chris before he was drafted (which is still huge on me though it doesn't fit him). I also throw in my portable charger. I toss in a few extra things.

On the note it said that we were gonna be taking the train all the way down there so I grab my metrocard and stuff it in my pocket.

I don't bother bringing my headphones because I won't have much time to listen to music.

I also put some money in my pocket as well and grab my matte black RayBans sunglasses.

I walk into the living room and wait for Chris, who walks out of his room wearing a simple white v-neck and a pair of black athletic shorts. He also has a string bag on his back.

"Ready to go?" he asks me, already knowing the answer.

I nod and grab his hand, pulling him toward the door.


We decide to get on the SlingShot before we eat so theres no possibility of anything coming back up.

We walk off the ride, extremely giggly and in one piece. Chris grabs my hand and leads me to one of the beach side restaurants.

We order and Chris pays, much against my protest, and carry the food to the beach.

Chris had pulled a towel from his bag before we got our food. He puts said towel on the sand near the shore line and pulls out his black Beats pill.

I grab his phone out of his hand and put on my playlist from his phone. The first song that comes on is "Earned It " by The Weeknd.

We eat our food and feed each other fries. We spilt a chocolate shake.

Once we finish eating, I pull out Chris's hoodie from my bag because it's starting to get a little chilly. While I'm doing this, Chris threw out the food wrappers and trash and puts the towel back in his bag and asks to put the Beats pill in my bag, which I agree to.

I see him take off his socks and sneakers and I do the same. My leggings go down to mid calf so I don't need to worry about rolling them up.

He grabs my hand and we walk down to the ocean-side.

We are just walking along the shore as the tide rolls in and out. The only actual sound is the tide rolling in and out. Chris and I are in a comfortable silence.

As the sun begins to disappear, I take out my phone to take a picture of the sunset. Once I get the perfect shot, I turn the camera to Chris.

He is in perfect lighting for a picture so I take one of him from the side, him looking at the sunset.

He wraps his arm around my shoulder and pulls me closer to him. I rest my head on his chest because that's where it reaches.

He twirls me around and lifts me up. I wrap my legs around his waist and my arms around his shoulders.

I press a gentle kiss onto his lips. He leans his forehead against mine.

"Autumn, I love you." he says, looking straight into my eyes.

"Chris, I love you too." I respond, looking into his.

He presses a sweet kiss to my lips.

He swings me around, managing to get me onto his back in a way that I will never fully understand.

I slide the string straps of his bag down and off his back and put it onto my back so its contents aren't digging into his back.

I rest my head in the crook of his neck as we walk back to the subway station.

Today was easily one of the best days of my life.

A/N Hey guys!!! I hope you liked this chapter! Leave me some feedback! I'm going to be starting a Corey Crawford story either tonight or tomorrow, so be on the lookout for that. But otherwise, that's it. Byeeeeeee

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