Chapter 23

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Autumn's POV

I've been staying at Kevin's for a few days and things have definitely settled down after what happened at the rink. After the kiss, I mean.

I'm very hesitant to go back to my apartment and try to settle things with Chris. 

I don't want my heart to be broken again. 

I have Kevin drop me off at the apartment building.

"Are you sure that you don't want me to come up with you?" He asks me, as I'm getting out of his car.

"I'm sure. This is one thing I'd rather do unaccompanied. Thank you for everything, Kev." I tell him, hugging him.

"It's no problem, if you need me, I'm a text message away." He says, climbing back into his car.

 I take a deep breath before even entering the building, just to mentally prep myself for whatever I may enter to.

I make my way up to the apartment, taking the stairs so I can gather myself so I don't break in front of him. Although he has seen it before, I him to know that he screwed up, badly.

I enter the apartment and hear a very muffled grunt.

Then another.

And another.

As I draw closer to the sound, I hear slightly muffled cries.

Then a thud, as if something, or someone, hit the ground.

I slowly open the door to see a very sweaty Chris sitting in front of a punching bag, who has a few tears streaming down his face. 

He gets up again and proceeds to beat the crap out of the bag again, grunting straight through his teeth as if he had hurt his hand or something.

Chris has not noticed me yet.

I slip into the room silently and sit down on the ottomon that is close to where Chris has his water bottle and whatnot.

He turns around and jumps back, as if he wasn't sure if he had actually seen me or if he was hallucinating. 

"Autumn?" He says, his voice groggy and practically gone.

"It's me, Chris. We need to talk." I tell him, standing up.

"Okay, would you like something to drink?" He asks, leading me out of the room.

"No thanks. But could you explain who she was? I'm not mad anymore. I just want answers." I tell him, trying to remain civil.

This is when he broke.

Chris basically shatters his defenses in front of me.

Tears begin streaming down his face as he begins to try to talk.

"I met her before you and I got together and we had an on-again, off-again thing going on and she missed me so I told her that it was okay for her to come over and hang out but one thing lead to another. It was completely what you saw and I don't know why I told you it wasn't. I understand that you probably can't trust me anymore. I still love you and I always will. If you want to walk away, I understand." He says, voice breaking and trembling. 

I open my mouth to say something but nothing comes out. I just walk toward him and kiss him. 

He is startled for a minute before he comprehends what is going on and responds. 

"I forgive you Christopher but if this happens again, consider me good as gone. Understand?" I tell him, looking him in the eye and giving him the "I'm not kidding" look.

"I understand." He tells me.

"Don't make me regret this, Kreider." I say, chuckling.

"You won't!" I hear Chris yell from the general bathroom direction.

I'm glad I have SOME of my life back together.

Now I need to hope that I get to stay in New York because my contract as athletic director is up and the front office hasn't quite called me back in to discuss it yet.

A/N Hey guys! In case you didn't get my message, here it is!

So I'm helping out with a contest that @xXNYRANGERSXx is holding and I would like you guys to enter! All you have to do is post (or message me or her) a short story about you meeting your favorite Rangers player at a home game! Yes, that's all it is! The first prize is actually getting to meet your favorite and talk to them over KIK Messenger, the second prize is having your story mentioned in her imagines story (which is amazing, I highly suggest checking it out) and the third prize is having an imagine written about you and your favorite player featured in her story AND a follow from me, her and Kevin Hayes (who is somehow managing to make a Wattpad account). And everyone is a winner, in a sense, because everyone who entered will get an autograph. The deadline is 7/30. If you have any questions about it, feel free to contact either me or @xXNYRANGERSXx and we'll help you out! Thank you! <3

But I hope you enjoyed the chapter and please leave your feedback in the form of votes or comments or both and I'll see you next time! Byeeeee

They Can't Tell Us Anything |C. Kreider|Where stories live. Discover now