Chapter 22

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Autumn's POV

It's been a few weeks since the trades and today is the day that I'm meeting Antti to show him around the city.

We are going to hang out and I'm gonna show him the city and the short cuts to get to places without having to worry about traffic and whatever. Just the area and stuff.

I see him hanging out on the street corner where we agreed to meet and he is looking down at his phone. I honk the horn, scaring the crap out of him and laughing. 

"Get in loser, we're going shopping!" I yell, rolling down the passenger side window. 

"Hey! Nice to see you too," He says, laughing. He climbs into the car and we drive off. 

We have an all around great day, he's definitely gonna become a close friend of mine this season.

I take a picture when we are at lunch and post it on Instagram, captioning it "Lunch ✌🏻."

After a bit more sight-seeing with Antti, we mutually decide to go home. I drop him off where I had picked him up and headed home.

Upon arriving, I find something that I never thought I would see.

I open the door to see Chris making out with some bleach blonde, who is barely wearing clothes, on our couch.

Tears blur my vision as I walk into what used to be mine and Chris's room, toss a few days' worth of clothing and hygene stuff into a bag I used during the season and grab the box of condoms Chris keeps in his nightstand drawer.

As I'm walking out, I toss the box at them, hitting the bitch in the back of the head. 

I slam the door behind me and start power-walking down the hall to the elevator.

Chris is on my tail, calling my name and telling me that I didn't see what I just saw.

He grabs my wrist and pulls me back to him, turning me to face him.

I can't look him in the eye, not only because I don't want to, tears are streaming down my face and blurring my vision. 

My heart is visibly broken and Chris thinks he can fix this. He can't.

"Just let me go, Chris. I've given you my heart and you torn it to shreds. Then you act like there was nothing wrong. I can't believe you." I tell him, calmly and tug my wrist from his grasp and start walking away.

I get into the elevator and notice something before the doors close.

He didn't follow me.

And he didn't go back into the apartment.

He hasn't moved, just slid down the wall onto the ground.

As soon as I get into the lobby, I call Kevin and ask if I can stay at his for a few days, remaining vague about what happened. He, obviously, lets me stay there for a bit and tells me that he'll be here in a few minutes. 

He arrives, I climb into his car and basically break down in tears. I tell him what happened very shakily, trying to compose myself and failing inevitably. 

Kevin calms me down and we drive back to his place.

Once there, I don't talk to anyone. 

My phone is blowing up with calls and texts alike from, none other than, Chris. 

I tell whoever is important to me that if they need to contact me, to do so from Kevin's phone before I turn mine off. 

Kevin keeps me occupied the rest of the night, watching movies, cooking, and he even brought me skating and I decided to suit back up. 

I decided to have him drive me back to mine and Chris's apartment building so I can get my equipment. Chris was nowhere to be found there so it was easy to get my stuff.

"Are you sure?" Kevin asks me while we are suiting up in the locker room.

"Yes, I'm sure. If I wasn't, do you think I'd be doing this right now?" I tell him, strapping on my left pad.

"Okay," He says, still unsure.

We head out onto the ice and I start skating around, getting used to the equipment again. We set the net on its moorings and I skate to the blueline and stretch just above the slot, where I would always stretch.

"Why do you stretch there?" Kevin asks, gliding past me.

"I've always done this, I like seeing what I'm guarding." I quickly explain. 

After some shots and saves, Kevin decided to actually sit down and talk to me and get to know me better, like ask questions about my hockey 'career'. I admitted that I had started out as a defenseman up until I was 8 or 9 years old. 

"Who taught you how to goaltend, since you started out as a defenseman, that is?" Kevin asks, confusedly. I take a deep breath before answering. I was about to tell him something only Chris knew before this point.

"I learned from my uncle, you may know of him." I begin.

"Who would this be?" Kevin asks me, leaning closer to me.

"My mother's brother, Tom Barrasso." I say, leaning closer to him.

"No way!" Kevin exclaims quietly, leaning even closer to me so he was a mere two inches from me, I know what he's trying to do. 

The weird thing is: I don't try to stop it. 

"Yes way," I say, leaning in further.

He finally stops the waiting and connects our lips, somewhat awkwardly because I am in bulky goalie equipment. 

I pull back first and wink at him, wordlessly telling him that we would talk later, before making my way to the locker room to get this equipment off. 

I don't understand why he would intentionally kiss his best friend's ex-girlfriend but I wasn't going to question him. Maybe he is trying to get my mind off it?

I'm honestly not sure.

But I don't mind. 

A/N HEY GUYS IM NOT DEAD!!!! I hope you enoyed this chapter, I don't think it's necessarily the best but it's gonna have to do. Sorry :/ BUT please leave your feedback in the form of votes or comments or both and I'll see you next time! Byeeeeee

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