Chapter 15

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Chris's POV

If I try to tell you that I'm not nervous about introducing my personal trainer and our TEAM doctor to the team as my GIRLFRIEND, please smack me in face. That's a lie and we all know it.

I love her. That's no secret, but I don't know how everyone is going to react to this. I mean they can't really HATE her because they've known her for so long and everyone is her friend. But it would certainly make things awkward in the locker room for sure.

We walk into the restaurant, her hand firmly grasping mine.

"Don't be nervous, baby, they can't tell us anything," I tell her, "They can't tell us that we can't be together. It's in no way their business or problem. They can't tell us anything." This clearly reassures her that nothing bad will happen tonight and I know this because her grip loosens somewhat. She's still nervous but again, so am I.

I guide her to our table(s) that we had reserved just for this event. It's sorta a regular thing that we all have a team dinner to introduce to people, whether it be close friends, girlfriends, reintroductions as wives, kids, family members, etc.

Once we become visible to Cam, he calls attention to himself and tells everyone there to welcome us, kinda the way a minister would introduce a newly married couple for the first time. I'm not sure why I made that connection but that's basically what it was.

We continue walking forward, hand in hand, as everyone at the table starts clapping. Pam Girardi runs up to me and takes me by the arm, half dragging-half leading me to the rest of the wives and girlfriends (WAGs) and kinda congratulates me before everyone else gets a chance to do so properly.

Autumn's POV

Once we are over by the WAGs, everyone gets up and hugs me, giving me a little congratulations every time.

Erica, Hags's girlfriend, pulls me to the side without protest, as she was the last one up. She asks me to go to the lounging area, which I agree to.

"So you finally got together with Chris. I'm proud of you," She says, pretty formally as she always does. I nod, proudly.

"I was actually wondering if you wanted to help me do a thing with my hair." I ask her, somewhat timidly.

"Of course, what were you thinking?" She asks me, dropping down on a bean bag lounge seat.

"I was thinking of dying it a pastel kind of color, like the ends." I tell her, showing her how much I wanted dyed, which was around two inches off the ends. She nods, agreeing.

"What color were you thinking?" She asks me, interested in what I was actually thinking.

"I was thinking either a pastel lilac kind of shade or a blue-ish shade." I tell her. Suddenly her eyes pop open, signalling that she has an idea.

"What are you thinking?" I ask, wide eyed. It wasn't that I didn't trust Erica, I do. I just don't want her to go insane with my hair.

"I was looking at hair pictures earlier and I saw one and I thought of you. Let me pull it up, hold on." She mentions, grabbing her phone from her bag. I wonder what she's thinking.

She turns her phone around to show me a girl with ends dyed many different colors as so it looks somewhat galaxy and celestial. I read the caption which has how she did it. She had dyed different sections of her hair fucshia, dark pink, purple, dark turquoise, medium and dark blues. I really liked this.

"I love this but do you think I could pull it off?" I ask her, unsure of what I should do.

"You could totally pull it off. Why would you think you wouldn't?" She asks me, temporarily forgetting that I work for a professional sports team, the team that my boyfriend plays on.

"Oh, that's right." She quickly remembers, to which I nod.

"Well I would still do it. I mean, if anything, you could cut it off if anyone has a problem with it." She reminds me.

"True, let's do it. You in?" I ask her, to which she nods, adding a 'hell yeah' to her response.

We discuss who is getting the dyes and when and stuff. We are so absorbed in the conversation of hair coloring that I don't even realize that Chris had his arms wrapped around me, nuzzling his head into my neck, kissing it softly.

I realize that he is doing this as soon as Erica starts 'awh'ing at us.

I twist my body around and kiss him, shortly.

"So you're dyeing your hair?" He asks me. I nod.

"I think you'd be able to pull it off with the way you two've been describing it. Plus I don't think management would have a problem with it either." He assures me.

"Then, Erica, full steam ahead!" I half-yell.

They both laugh at my childlike outburst, as I do too.

"What are you doing back here? We're about to order," Carl comes back, wrapping his arms around his own girlfriend. We all stand up and walk back to the restaurant area.

We order our food and eat with a small amount of chatter around the table.

We, Chris and I, start getting questioned by some of the older guys, meaning Henrik, Marty, Dan Boyle, Dom, Girardi, Tanner, Rick, Kleiner and Hunwick, about our relationship. Most of the questions are easy questions and stuff but some of them got a little uncomfortable to answer, since afterall these guys are basically my brothers.

Every time someone would ask a question that seemed a little uncomfortable to answer, I would feel Chris place a large hand on my thigh to calm me down a little.

After a while of that, a lot of the younger guys, meaning JT, Hayes, Jesper, Step and Mac, were turning in for the night. Chris and I decide to follow along with them.

We are walking down back to wear we had parked the car when it started to drizzle. Chris and I start laughing at the irony of it.

The rain starts to pick up. Once it has gotten more intense, Chris decide to pull me close and reenact the scene from High School Musical 3 where Troy and Gabriella dance in the rain.

After a bit of that, he leans down and kisses me, passionately but still gently. We hear a few camera clicks. He pulls away from me to look around, only to see that Cam and Kelly had followed us to see what we would do.

Chris was not too upset, neither was I for that matter, about what they had pulled. It was actually a cute gesture. And Kelly's way with cameras is phenomenal.

They nonchalantly walk away as though nothing had happened. Chris and I start to laugh at how our best friends reacted to getting caught.

We continue our walk to the car, not worrying about anything. There was only us walking that usually very busy sidewalk.

We climb into the car and drive back to the apartment, getting there quickly due to empty streets.

Once we get home, we both grab towels and change into dry clothes. We decide that we are way too tired to do anything else so we go to bed.

Chris grabs me and carries me bridal style into his bed and lays me down. He climbs in beside me and holds me.

I lean my head against his chest, listening to his heartbeat slowly lull me to sleep.

A/N Hey guys!! Sorry there was a delay between this chapter and the last, I had writer's block. But I hope you enjoyed the chapter. Leave your feedback and I'll see you next time! Byeeeee

They Can't Tell Us Anything |C. Kreider|Where stories live. Discover now