Chapter 26

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Autumn's POV

After my fight Chris, I walked away.

From him, from my friends here, from New York, from everything.

I didn't terminate my contract, however, believing that I could fix this.

I fly myself to Vancouver so I can just spend some time with one of my best friends, that aren't on the Rangers. This would be Brendan Gallagher. I know, why would I be friends with him? I know him from when the Canadiens played the Rangers in the playoffs and we simply kept in touch. He doesn't know what's going on, all he knows is that something happened and I need to talk to him. 

I board the plane at 10:30am EST and follow all the instructions given. I begin playing music through my headphones once it is allowed. I start listening to sadder songs than what I normally do but I'm not surprised at it.

A little over 5 hours later, at around 4:35pm EST which is 1:35pm in Vancouver, I land and text Brendan telling him that I landed in one piece and that I need someone to come pick me up. He tells me that he would send someone to get me from the airport and to just "sit tight".

The only people that know that I left is the front office of the organization. I told them because it's early August and I don't know when I'm going to come back. They understood completely why I needed to get away and they would understand entirely if I decide to call off the contract extension. Other than them, I don't think I told anyone. 

Actually that's a lie. I did tell a few of the wives and girlfriends that I am friends with, so they weren't completely clueless as to where their friend went. 

Soon enough, I hear someone calling my name. I whip my head up to see Alex Galchenyuk walking toward me. 

"Hey Chucky!" I say, making my way over to him and pulling him into a hug.

"Hey, girly! What brings you out here?" He asks me, pulling away and grabbing my bag. 

"Something, er, happened. I'll explain when we get into the car." I tell him and he nods. 

We get into the car and I explain what happened, in very few words might I add. 

"Damn, never thought that would've happened." He says, chuckling very slightly. 

"Believe me, I didn't either." I tell him, getting out of the parked car. 

"Gally! I'm home!" I yell, hopping from behind onto the couch. Or maybe not onto the couch.

"Can you please kinda not jump on me?" Brendan asks sarcastically, pushing me off him and onto the floor. 

"What a way to treat your friend, jeez." I mutter, standing up and pretending to brush dirt off my shoulders. 

"Autumn, I put your bag into your room. It's the second door on the left." Alex tells me, walking back into the room.

"Sounds good." I say, walking over to him.

"What are you doing?" He asks, eyes wide.

I jump onto his back and he instinctively grabs me and doesn't let me fall .

"Nice reflexes, Galchenyuk." I tell him, patting his head.

I hop off his back and sit down on the couch, next to a now sitting, Brendan. 

"Could you kinda explain what happened?" He asks me. I explain the situation in about the same amount of words that I explained it to Alex in.

"Oh damn." Brendan says.

"That's what I said!" Alex pipes in.

"Anyway, I came to get away from all that. Now, what's the plan?" I ask the boys, who turn their heads to face each other, as if to come up with a plan.

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