Chapter 2

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Autumn's POV

*2015, New York City*

"Autumn, did you hear anything I was saying?" Chris asks me. "Sorry, I was having some flashbacks, 'is all," I say, feeling myself blush a little bit.

"Well I was asking if you wanted to go to the game tomorrow, but since you weren't listening to me, I don't think you deserve them," Chris says, sticking his tonuge out at me. I laugh a little bit then notice that he was walking into the kitchen of our shared apartment.

I prance after him, knowing that he would be going after the leftover cake from our mini-birthday party last night. "No, no, no, Kreider. What would your trainer say?" I say sarcastically, seeing as I am his trainer and the team doctor.

Yes, I do have degrees in athletic training, sports medicine and sound tech as well as a minor degree in sport journalism, which I'm working to complete online. I do travel with the team and I'm very good friends with everyone on the team and in the organization.

"Well I do believe that my trainer was the one that bought me this very cake so I think she wants me to eat it," he says while laughing. I roll my eyes and put my hands up in defeat and allow him access to the cake behind me on the counter.

I look past him at the clock on the wall and sit on the counter, after he took the cake away, of course. I, then, hear a knock at the door. "I got it!" I yell to Chris, who is stuffing his mouth with cake, and he shoots me a thumbs up.

I open the door to see, his girlfriend, Grace. She knows that Chris and I live together and she is, surprisingly, cool with it. Okay, I didn't know she was coming over. If I did, I probably would be wearing more clothes than just a huge sweat shirt from my old high school and really tiny shorts.

"Hey Autumn!" Grace says, hugging me. "Hey! I didn't know you were coming over! Sorry about my, err, outfit," I say laughing. She laughs and just shakes her head, "It's fine. Is Chris here? I need to talk to him about something," she says. "He's home, in the living room, stuffing his face with cake," I say, letting her pass me. "What else is new?" she laughs and walks toward him.

I hated his girlfriend. She just seemed so fake and it seemed like she was just using him. They've been together since Chris moved to New York City, for permanent after being called up and making the roster. At first, she seemed lovely and possibly the one. But once I finished my sports medicine degree and moved in with Chris, after the getting the job with the Rangers, she just seemed to have changed a lot.

I decide that I want to go skating, so I text Derick, yes I have Derick Brassard's number, and ask if he wants to go. He responds, almost immeadiately, and says that he was about to ask me and that he'll go. He also says that he will be at the apartment building in like 20 minutes. I send him back a thumbs up emoji and begin to get ready.

I put on a white tee shirt that says 'DREAMER' on it in silver writing . Then I put on a pair of sheer black tights with flowers on it with a pair of black denim shorts over that. I toss a grey cardigan over it. Then I put a pair of black combat boots on as well.

I do my regular makeup, which is some powder, eyeliner and mascara. Then I tame back my medium length dark wavy hair and put on a brown beanie.

I hear my phone buzz. I walk over to it and see that Brass told me that he is outside. I grab my skate bag, some money, my keys and my headphones and head out. I also write a note for Chris, telling him where I'm gonna be and not to wait up for me. Then I leave.

A/N Hey guys! I hope nothing is too confusing and the inspiration for the outfit Autumn is wearing is linked above and I hope it works but if anything, use my description and imagine it if it doesn't work! (The inspiration outfit is not the full outfit, I had tweaked it a little bit to make it work for a future chapter.)

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